"Capstone 2023: The Bond of Learning" by McKinzee D. Goodwin


Summer 2023

Type of Culminating Activity

Student research paper


The learning that is done between the ages of 2-5 years old provides for lifelong learning. Basic knowledge of the alphabet, numbers, and colors used to be expected before a child steps foot into the public school setting, however as time has passed children have been increasingly behind in those steps. A recent study found that for every ten children that arrive at kindergarten each fall only four of them are prepared. Those six who are not prepared struggle in a continuous catch-up cycle (Livingstone, 2015). My capstone project was to show others who might be worried about the readiness of their children how to teach children who are young. There is an individualistic parenting style in the United States that expects caregivers to know how to teach children, but my project is out there to give ideas on how to build an education around the child.

Degree Program

Bachelor of Arts in Interdisciplinary Professional Studies


Margaret Sass, J.D., Ed.D.



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