Theses/Dissertations from 2024
Dijkgraaf-Witten Theory for Surfaces, Austin Fender
An Analysis of Instructor Feedback, Olga Hawranick
A Survey of the Classification of 1-Dimensional Shift Systems, Jacob Miller
A Survey on Homomorphic Encryption Based on the Learning with Rounding Problem, Jose Manuel Montoya
The Brahmagupta Equation and Record Numbers, Christine Patterson
Numerical Simulation of the Atmospheric Lamb Waves Generated by the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai Eruption Using a Shallow Water Approximation, Augustus Tropea
Theses/Dissertations from 2023
Association of Lockdown Policies with COVID-19 Early Case Growth Rates in the United States, Anna Barefield
A History of the Hurwitz Problem Concerning Branched Coverings, James Alexander Byars
Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Relationships Between COVID-19 Infection Rates, Healthcare Access, Socioeconomic Status, and Cultural Diversity, MarGhece P. J. Barnes
The Matrix Sortability Problem, Seth Cleaver
Cognitive Demand of Teacher-Created Mathematics Assessments, Megan Marie Schmidt
Waring Rank and Apolarity of Some Symmetric Polynomials, Max Brian Sullivan
Security Analysis of Lightweight Cryptographic Primitives, William Unger
Regression Analysis of Resilience and COVID-19 in Idaho Counties, Ishrat Zaman
Theses/Dissertations from 2021
Tukey Morphisms Between Finite Binary Relations, Rhett Barton
A Data Adaptive Model for Retail Sales of Electricity, Johanna Marcelia
Exploring the Beginnings of Algebraic K-Theory, Sarah Schott
Zariski Geometries and Quantum Mechanics, Milan Zanussi
Theses/Dissertations from 2020
The Directed Forest Complex of Cayley Graphs, Kennedy Courtney
Beliefs About Effective Instructional Practices Among Middle Grades Teachers of Mathematics, Lauren A. Dale
Theses/Dissertations from 2019
Dynamic Sampling Versions of Popular SPC Charts for Big Data Analysis, Samuel Anyaso-Samuel
Computable Reducibility of Equivalence Relations, Marcello Gianni Krakoff
On the Fundamental Group of Plane Curve Complements, Mitchell Scofield
Radial Basis Function Finite Difference Approximations of the Laplace-Beltrami Operator, Sage Byron Shaw
Formally Verifying Peano Arithmetic, Morgan Sinclaire
Theses/Dissertations from 2018
Selective Strong Screenability, Isaac Joseph Coombs
Mathematics Student Achievement in the Context of Idaho’s Advanced Opportunities Initiative, Nichole K. Hall
Secure MultiParty Protocol for Differentially-Private Data Release, Anthony Harris
Theses/Dissertations from 2017
A Stable Algorithm for Divergence-Free and Curl-Free Radial Basis Functions in the Flat Limit, Kathryn Primrose Drake
The Classification Problem for Models of ZFC, Samuel Dworetzky
Joint Inversion of Compact Operators, James Ford
Trend and Return Level of Extreme Snow Events in New York City, Mintaek Lee
Multi-Rate Runge-Kutta-Chebyshev Time Stepping for Parabolic Equations on Adaptively Refined Meshes, Talin Mirzakhanian
Investigating College Instructors’ Methods of Differentiation and Derivatives in Calculus Classes, Wedad Mubaraki
The Random Graph and Reciprocity Laws, Spencer M. Nelson
Classification of Vertex-Transitive Structures, Stephanie Potter
Theses/Dissertations from 2016
On the Conjugacy Problem for Automorphisms of Trees, Kyle Douglas Beserra
The Density Topology on the Reals with Analogues on Other Spaces, Stuart Nygard
Latin Squares and Their Applications to Cryptography, Nathan O. Schmidt
Solution Techniques and Error Analysis of General Classes of Partial Differential Equations, Wijayasinghe Arachchige Waruni Nisansala Wijayasinghe
Numerical Computing with Functions on the Sphere and Disk, Heather Denise Wilber
Theses/Dissertations from 2015
The Classical Theory of Rearrangements, Monica Josue Agana
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Their Solutions, and Properties, Prasanna Bandara
The Impact of a Quantitative Reasoning Instructional Approach to Linear Equations in Two Variables on Student Achievement and Student Thinking About Linearity, Paul Thomas Belue
Student Understanding of Function and Success in Calculus, Daniel I. Drlik
Monodromy Representation of the Braid Group, Phillip W. Hart
The Frobenius Problem, Anna Marie Megale
Theses/Dissertations from 2014
Pi-1-1-determinacy and Sharps, Shehzad Ahmed
A Radial Basis Function Partition of Unity Method for Transport on the Sphere, Kevin Aiton
Diagrammatically Reducible 2-Complexes, Tyler Allyn
A Stochastic Parameter Regression Model for Long Memory Time Series, Rose Marie Ocker
Theses/Dissertations from 2013
The Assignment Packet Grading System, Sarah Nichole Bruce
Using Learner-Generated Examples to Support Student Understanding of Functions, Martha Ottelia Dinkelman
Computing Curvature and Curvature Normals on Smooth Logically Cartesian Surface Meshes, John Thomas Hutchins
Schur's Theorem and Related Topics in Ramsey Theory, Summer Lynne Kisner
Theses/Dissertations from 2012
On the Geometry of Virtual Knots, Rachel Elizabeth Byrd
A Stochastic Parameter Regression Approach for Time-Varying Relationship between Gold and Silver Prices, Birsen Canan-McGlone
Uncertainty Analysis of RELAP5-3D©, Alexandra E. Gertman and George L. Mesina
A Statistical Method for Regularizing Nonlinear Inverse Problems, Chad Clifton Hammerquist
Perfect Stripes from a General Turing Model in Different Geometries, Jean Tyson Schneider
Stability and Convergence for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations, Oday Mohammed Waheeb
Regular Homotopy of Closed Curves on Surfaces, Katherine Kylee Zebedeo
Theses/Dissertations from 2011
Coloring Problems, Thomas Antonio Charles Chartier
Modules Over Localized Group Rings for Groups Mapping Onto Free Groups, Nicholas Davidson
How Do We Help Students Interpret Contingency Tables? A Study on the Use of Proportional Reasoning as an Intervention, Kathleen M. Isaacson
A Fictitious Point Method for Handling Boundary Conditions in the RBF-FD Method, Joseph Lohmeier
Theses/Dissertations from 2010
Developmental Understanding of the Equals Sign and Its Effects on Success in Algebra, Ryan W. Brown
The Inquiry Learning Model as an Approach to Mathematics Instruction, Michael C. Brune
Galois Theory for Differential Equations, Soheila Eghbali
Stably Free Modules Over the Klein Bottle, Andrew Misseldine
Combinatorics and Topology of Curves and Knots, Bailey Ann Ross
Theses/Dissertations from 2009
Concept Booklets: Examining the Performance Effects of Journaling of Mathematics Course Concepts, Todd Stephen Fogdall
Effective Sample Size in Order Statistics of Correlated Data, Neill McGrath
Transparency in Formal Proof, Cap Petschulat
Weight Selection by Misfit Surfaces for Least Squares Estimation, Garrett Saunders
The Effects of a Standards-Based Mathematics Curriculum on the Self-Efficacy and Academic Achievement of Previously Unsuccessful Students, Cindy Chesley Shaw
Analytical Upstream Collocation Solution of a Quadratic Forced Steady-State Convection-Diffusion Equation, Eric Paul Smith
Solvability Characterizations of Pell Like Equations, Jason Smith
Theses/Dissertations from 2008
Tube-Equivalence of Spanning Surfaces and Seifert Surfaces, Thomas Glass
Simple Tests for Short Memory in ARFIMA Models, Timothy A. C. Hughes
Incomparable Metrics on the Cantor Space, Trevor Jack
Richards' Equation and Its Constitutive Relations as a System of Differential-Algebraic Equations, Shannon K. Murray
Theses/Dissertations from 2007
Theorem Proving in Elementary Analysis, Joanna Porter Guild
An Investigation of Lucas Sequences, Dustin E. Hinkel
A Canonical Countryman Line, William Russell Hudson