"A107: The Influence of Autonomy Support on Motor Skill Learning: A Cas" by Zhiwei Zhang, Lixin Ai et al.

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Background/Purpose: Learning motor skills has always been a central issue in the field of physical education. Optimization theory suggests that providing autonomy support can enhance motor learning effects. However, there is no consistent conclusion regarding whether different types of autonomy support have the same effect. This study aimed to investigate the influence of enhanced autonomy support on dart throwing skill acquisition and self-efficacy, as well as examine potential differences between task-relevant and task-irrelevant autonomy support.

Method: A two-factor mixed experimental design was employed, the within-group independent variable was the testing time (pre-test and post-test), the between-group independent variable was the type of autonomy support (task-relevant choice and task-irrelevant choice). The dependent variables in this study were the participants' performance on the dart-throwing task and their level of self-efficacy. Forty-eight university students (30 males, 18 females, Mage = 22.16 years, SD = 3.28) were recruited for the experiment. Participants were required to complete a pre-test of dart throwing tasks, engage in 6 practice sessions, and undergo a post-test two days later. Self-efficacy was assessed throughout the practice phase and before the post-test. The task-relevant choice group could choose whether to watch a dart throwing instructional video during the practice phase, while the task-irrelevant choice group could change the color of the dart flights. The control group had no choices available.

Results: For dart learning performance, autonomy support showed a significant main effect F(2, 41) = 3.623, p = .036 < .05, ηp2 = 0.150. The task-irrelevant choice group (6.39 ± 0.96) performed better than the task-relevant choice group (6.21 ± 0.82), with both outperforming the control group (5.51 ± 0.88). Regarding self-efficacy scores, the main effect of autonomy support was not significant (F (2, 41) = 1.471, p = .242 > .05, ηp2 = 0.067). There was little difference in self-efficacy scores among the three groups.

Conclusion/Discussion: Consistent with the literature, this study suggested that providing autonomy support benefits learners in improving performance in dart throwing tasks. Task-irrelevant choices can lead to greater performance gains compared to task-relevant choices. This finding has practical implications for motor skill learning; physical education teachers can scientifically arrange teaching strategies to maximize the efficiency of physical education instruction.


