The Graduate Student Showcase provides graduate students with a skills development opportunity, while also serving to highlight graduate programs and the excellent scholarship taking place across campus.

The 2021 Graduate Student Showcase was a virtual three day conference that took place April 7-9, 2021


Submissions from 2021

Effect of Challenging Conditions on Lower Limb Kinematics, Amy E. Holcomb, Aidan G. Cormier, Nic L. Hunt, Amanda K. Ivy, Christina M. Geisler, Tyler N. Brown, and Clare K. Fitzpatrick

Improving the Nurse Patient Assignment Process on a Medical Surgical Unit, Kevin K. McEwan

Resolving a Human Crisis Through Remote Sensing: Equitable and Sustainable Use of Internationally Shared Water Resources, Arash Modaresi Rad and Mojtaba Sadegh

How Do Babies Roll?: Understanding How Babies 3-7 Months Achieve a Roll, Danielle Siegel, Safeer Siddicky, Wyatt Davis, Abby Prow, Olivia Scholes, and Erin Mannen