"Adaptation Outcomes in Climate-Vulnerable Locations: Understanding How" by Saleh Ahmed, Elizabeth Eklund et al.

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Adverse climate impacts present a significant challenge for the majority of the world’s population. It is especially true for smallholder farmers in coastal Bangladesh, where some adaptation initiatives appeared to be short-sighted and reproduced further inequity, poverty, and food insecurity. Based on empirical insights, this paper shows how short-sighted climate responses can adversely affect gender equity, illustrated through three adaptation strategies. First, agricultural institutions have traditionally and historically linked with gender roles. Outmigration from the region is gendered as males leave first. This forces increased household and farm responsibilities onto female household members and increased vulnerability. This gendered vulnerability becomes compounded by the ways critical weather information flows at the local level. Taking this gendered lens, this paper illustrates how shrimp farming has caused long-term woes for society. These insights help in understanding the complexity of climate–society interactions and the importance of long-term planning on any climate adaptation initiatives.

Copyright Statement

This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Environmental Planning and Management on 2023, available online: https://doi.org/10.1080/09640568.2022.2082928
