Global Studies Faculty Publications and Presentations | Global Studies Program | Boise State University


Submissions from 2024


Who Owns the Land?: Socio-Cultural and Economic Drivers of Unequal Agrarian Land Ownership in Climate-Vulnerable Coastal Bangladesh, Saleh Ahmed and Elizabeth Marie Eklund


The Political Economy of Life Satisfaction: Democracy, National Wealth, and Personal Income, Nisha Bellinger, Jonathan Krieckhaus, and Byunghwan Son


Examination of Urinary Pesticide Concentrations, Protective Behaviors, and Risk Perceptions Among Latino and Latina Farmworkers in Southwestern Idaho, Carly Hyland, Alejandra Hernandez, Éric Gaudreau, Jessica Larose, Jean-François Bienvenu, Lisa Meierotto, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, and Cynthia L. Curl


Mixed-Methods Assessment of Farmworkers’ Perceptions of Workplace Compliance with Worker Protection Standards and Implications for Risk Perceptions and Protective Behaviors, Carly Hyland, Lisa Meierotto, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, and Cynthia L. Curl

Submissions from 2023


Adaptation Outcomes in Climate-Vulnerable Locations: Understanding How Short-Term Climate Actions Exacerbated Existing Gender Inequities in Coastal Bangladesh, Saleh Ahmed, Elizabeth Eklund, and Elizabeth Kiester


Socio-Ecological Challenges of Hydroelectric Dams Among Ethnic Minorities in Northern Laos, Saleh Ahmed and Paige Liquin


Ethnic Difference at the Center of Land Struggles in the Americas: A Complex History of Marginalization and Multidimensional Challenges Among the Garifuna in the Northern Honduras, Kaitlyn Bellamy, Victoria Garcia, Saleh Ahmed, and Adriana Archila


Women’s Human Development Outcomes in India: A Closer Look at FDI Inflows, Economic Structure, and Female Labor Force Participation, Nisha Bellinger

Interview with Ninna Piiksii (Dr. Michael Bruised Head), Michael Bruised Head, Elizabeth Lunstrum, and Madison Stevens


Considering the Shrinking Physical, Social, and Psychological Spaces of Rohingya Refugees in Southeast Asia, Kendra L. Duran, Robin Al-Haddad, and Saleh Ahmed


The Rhino Horn Trade and Radical Inequality as Environmental Conflict, Elizabeth Lunstrum, Nícia Givá, Francis Massé, Filipe Mate, and Paulo Lopes Jose


Buffalo Reading List, Madison Stevens, Elizabeth Lunstrum, Jamie Faselt, Brent L. Brock, Kyran E. Kunkel, Jake Rayapati, Chamois Andersen, Jeff Martin, Jordan Kennedy, Forrest Hisey, Andrea Olive, and Matt Williamson

Submissions from 2022


Delineating Flood Zones Upon Employing Synthetic Aperture Data for the 2020 Flood in Bangladesh, Saleh Ahmed


Unpacking the Environmental Movement in Megacity Dhaka: How Does the Resource Mobilisation Theory Explain Local Urban Complexity?, Saleh Ahmed


A Lost Generation: Perpetual Education Insecurity Among the Rohingya, Robin E. Al-Haddad, Kendra L. Duran, and Saleh Ahmed


Rural Decentralization and Infant Mortality Among Select Indian States: A Preliminary Analysis, Nisha Bellinger


Environmental Displacement in the Anthropocene, Elizabeth Lunstrum and Pablo S. Bose


Educational Inequality in the Kebribeyah Somali Refugee Camp in Ethiopia: An Autoethnography, Ahmed Muhumed and Saleh Ahmed


Gender-Based Violence in a Complex Humanitarian Context: Unpacking the Human Sufferings Among Stateless Rohingya Women, Grace Priddy, Zoe Doman, Emily Berry, and Saleh Ahmed


The Health Cost of Autocratization, Byunghwan Son and Nisha Bellinger

Submissions from 2021


Responding to Social Disruptions and Urban Complexities in Post-Pandemic Dhaka Using Resilience Framework: Implications for Low-Income Urban Populations, Saleh Ahmed


The Sustainability-Peace Nexus in Crisis Contexts: How the Rohingya Escaped the Ethnic Violence in Myanmar, but are Trapped into Environmental Challenges in Bangladesh, Saleh Ahmed, William Paul Simmons, Rashed Chowdhury, and Saleemul Huq


Political Parties and Citizens’ Well-Being Among Non-Democratic Developing Countries, Nisha Bellinger


When Does Oil Harm Child Mortality?, Nisha Bellinger and Matthew D. Fails


Understanding Challenges to Well-Being Among Latina FarmWorkers in Rural Idaho Using in an Interdisciplinary, Mixed-Methods Approach, Cynthia L. Curl, Lisa Meierotto, and Rebecca L. Som Castellano


Measurement of Urinary Pesticide Biomarkers Among Latina Farmworkers in Southwestern Idaho, Cynthia L. Curl, Lisa Meierotto, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, Meredith R. Spivak, and Kurunthachalam Kannan


More-Than-Human and Deeply Human Perspectives on COVID-19, Elizabeth Lunstrum, Neel Ahuja, Bruce Braun, Rosemary Collard, Patricia J. Lopez, and Rebecca W.Y. Wong


Conservation and the Production of Wildlife as Resource, Elizabeth Lunstrum and Francis Massé


Field-Based Experiential Education in Geography: Discovering and Rethinking Urban Environmental Challenges and Possibilities, Carley MacKay, Kim Tran, and Elizabeth Lunstrum


A Feminist Political Ecology of Wildlife Crime: The Gendered Dimensions of a Poaching Economy and Its Impacts in Southern Africa, Francis Massé, Nicia Givá, and Elizabeth Lunstrum


Indigenous-Led Conservation Reading List, Megan Youdelis, Kim Tran, and Elizabeth Lunstrum

Submissions from 2020

Changing Patterns of Agriculture, Land Use, and Wellbeing in the Intermountain West, Saleh Ahmed


What Drives Commercial Poaching?: From Poverty to Economic Inequality, Elizabeth Lunstrum and Nícia Givá


Immigration, Environment, and Security on the U.S.-Mexico Border, Lisa Meierotto


Introduction to the Symposium: Bienestar—The Well-Being of Latinx Farmworkers in a Time of Change, Lisa Meierotto, Teresa Mares, and Seth M. Holmes


Food Provisioning Strategies Among Latinx Farm Workers in Southwestern Idaho, Lisa Meierotto and Rebecca Som Castellano


Isolation and Fear of Deportation: Intersectional Barriers to Well-Being Among Latina Farmworkers in Southwestern Idaho, Lisa Meierotto, Rebecca L. Som Castellano, and Cynthia Curl


“Wilderness” Revisited: Is Canadian Park Management Moving Beyond the “Wilderness” Ethic?, Megan Youdelis, Roberta Nakoochee, Colin O'Neil, Elizabeth Lunstrum, and Robin Roth

Submissions from 2015

Environmental Disruption as a Consequence of Human Migration: The Case of the U.S.-Mexico Border, Lisa Meierotto


Human Rights in the Context of Environmental Conservation on the US-Mexico Border, Lisa Meierotto

Unifying Themes in Studies of Ancient and Contemporary Migrations, Takeyuki Tsuda, Brenda J. Baker, James F. Eder, Kelly J. Knudson, Jonathan Maupin, Lisa Meierotto, and Rachel E. Scott

Submissions from 2014


A Disciplined Space: The Co-Evolution of Conservation and Militarization on the US-Mexico Border, Lisa Meierotto