"Tatape Pekkappɨh Sun Killer (Cottontail and the Sun)" by Jon P. Dayley

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Contribution to Books

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COMMENTS: The following Shoshone tale, Tatape Pekkappɨh "Sun Killer," also known as "Cottontail and the Sun, " was told to me in 1968 at Fort Hall, Idaho, by Mrs. Myrtle Nevada. I recorded the tale on tape and later transcribed, translated, and linguistically analyzed it with the aid of Mrs. Nevada's niece, Mrs. Lillian Vallely. Mrs. Nevada was a well-known storyteller and had been telling tales like this for many years. She was in her late seventies in 1968, and unfortunately, like most of the other great Shoshone natɨkwinnawappinnɨɨ "storytellers," she has since passed away. The tale was told in Tukku Tɨkka "Sheep Eater" Shoshone, the dialect of Northern Shoshone spoken by Mrs. Nevada and Mrs. Vallely.

Copyright Statement

This document was originally published in The Literature of Idaho: An Anthology by the Hemingway Center for Western Studies. Copyright restrictions may apply.
