College of Engineering Poster Presentations | 2010 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference | Boise State University



Actuation Frequency Dependent Power Generation Via Inverse Magnetoplasticity, Kimo Wilson

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis for Purification of DNA Origami Nanotubes + Quantum Dots, Davis Daniel, William Hughes, Elton Graugnard, Wang Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, Bernard Yurke, Glenn Purnell, and Hieu Bui

A Thermal and Fluid System Design Built for a Mannequin Used in the Thermal Testing of Clothing, Jonathan Henderson, Ian Morse, and Uwe Reischl

Boise State -ASME Human Powered Vehicle Team, Joseph Hawks, Bob Marturello, Jaime Merideth, John Pasley, and Kimo Wilson

Camera Based Image Acquisition for OCR and Other Uses., William Grover, Kris Burch, and Josh Johnson

Characterization of Ceramic Membranes Using Electrochemical Techniques, Prativa Bhattarai, Mike Hurley, and Pavankumarrao Chennapragada


Characterization of Emissions of Wax-Based Products During Combustion, Ben Albiston and Crystal Grasmick

Characterization of ZnO Thin Films Grown by Spray Pyrolysis Using Various Chemical Precursors, Jason Brotherton, Theron Fereda, Pamela Walker, Jerry Harris, Aaron Thurber, and William B. Knowlton

Cryogenic Characterization of Charge Trapping in MOSFET High-k Dielectrics, Ross Butler, Richard G. Southwick III, and William B. Knowlton

Crystallographic Characterization of (Sr2-xCax)(MgTe)O6 Double Perovskite via Electron Diffraction, Steven Letourneau, Sherin Thomas, Ganesanpotti Subodh, and Mailadil Sebastian

DC/AC Power Inverter, Keith Adams, Greg Ilk, and Steve Sjostrom

Descreening of Halftoning, C. J. Stanger and Thanh Tran

Development of an Optical Device for Magneto-Mechanical Experiments, Adrian Rothenbuhler, Markus Chmielus, and Cassie Witherspoon

Development of Experimental Techniques for the Study of Negative Bias Temperature Instability in pMOSFET Devices, Ross Butler, Richard G. Southwick III, Dr. Tibor Grasser, and Dr. Ben Kaczer

Discovery Center of Idaho Regenerative Braking Demonstration, Cody Blevins, Jon Stanley, Mark McNew, and Derek Reis

Do Supply Management Practices Vary with Company Size, Ownership, or Industry?, Christopher Munoz


Energy Modeling Using Feed-Forward Artificial Neural Networks, Dustyn Deakins

Exploration of Pedotransfer Function Predictions on Soil Moisture Retention in Dry Creek Experimental Watershed Soils, Ashley Zumwalt

Field Emitter Array Driver and Measurement System for Use in a “Smart” Crossed-Field Amplifier, Sonya Shawver and Brandon Wells

Form Removal from Election Ballots Using Image Processing, Shatakshi Goyal and Robbie Scott

Garrity Boulevard Interchange Redesign, Crystal Grasmick, Heath Perrine, Wil Bake, and Pat Conro

Garrity Interchange Design, Adam Bass, Tyler Noble, Kyle Rosenmyer, Collin Turbert, and Cory Dykema

Grain Growth of Nickel-Manganese-Gallium, Nikki Kucza and Ernest Maiteri

Gravitational Effects on Water in Regolith, Pamila Ward and Ron Pierce

Gravitational Effects on Water in Regoliths, Andrew Vissotski, Mike Quinn, Jake Forsberg, Travis Dean, Pamila Ward, Ron Pierce, and David Connolly

Investigation of Twin Boundaries and Magnetic Tongues Using AFM and MFM, Dave Schenker

Kinetics of Nitridation of Dysprosium by Reactive Ball Milling, Daniel Osterberg

Measuring Soil Water Retention Curves with an Automated Multistep Outflow System, Esther Contreras

Mechanical Properties and Microstructural Evolution of ODS Alloys Utilizing Solid State Welds, James Carrillo and Evan Young

Mechanical Strength Enhancement of Lead Zirconate Titanate Ceramics Through Silicon Carbide Nanopowder Thermal Treatments, Jackie Forhan, Daniel Osterberg, and Bryan Murphy

Microstructural Evolution During Sintering of Lanthanum Calcium Ferrite Perovskite Ceramics, Ellen Rabenberg, Patrick Price, and David Thomsen

Multi-Scale Mechanical Property Evaluation of Soft Materials, Jonathan Henderson, Chad Watson, William L. Hughes, Julia T. Oxford, and William B. Knowlton

Novel Materials for Transient Liquid Phase Ceramics and Metal Joining, Kyle Knori, Bryan Murphy, Mike Hurley, Brian Jaques, and John Youngsman

Numerical Solution of the Wave Equation on Dual-GPU Platforms Using Brook+, Matthew Caylor

Optical Transmission Properties of Plasmonic Crystals, Lloyd Lowe


Personal Fall Protection: A Look at the Differences Among Industries, Nathan Miller

Portable Solar Collector/Concentrator Design Project, Rey DeLeon, Alex Calvert, and Mike Rippee

Power System Protection Project - POWER Engineers, Drew Murdock, Jason Jaszkowiak, and Tyler Smith

Prairie Sun (2) Subdivision, Derrick Eisenbeis, Ernest Maiteri, Michael Banks, Josh Laramie, and Michael Steele

Prairie Sun Subdivision I, Mike Kumm, Chad Weaver, Andy Prince, Eleni-maria Kafourou, and Jordan Harvey


Process Development for Advanced Complex Nuclear Oxide Fuels, Richard Reavis and Daniel Osterberg

Radial Dielectrophoretic Trap for Individual Nanostructures, Stephanie Barnes, Christopher Buu, Jason Brotherton, Hieu Bui, Austin Johnson, Mallory Yates, Wan Kuang, Jeunghoon Lee, William L. Hughes, William B. Knowlton, and Bernard Yurke

Reaction Kinetics of a DNA-Based Amplifier for Use in Detection of Cancer-Related miRNAs, Amber Cox and Jessie Minick

Revitalize Secondary Students’ Interest in STEM via Lego Robot Development Activities, Christie Donovan, Lora Volkert, Andrew Landoch, Stephen Stauts, and Nick Meyer

RF Stimulation of Air Channels During Air Sparging, Corinne Haase


Rooftop Ventilator Senior Design Project, Gavin Moody, Nick Thompson, and Jon Flack

Sample Preparation for the Transmission Electron Microscope, Jeff Huntsinger and John Youngsman

Separation of Functional Memory Devices from Multi-Chip Stacked Packages, James Voelz and Liana Jackson

Sequential Deposition of Gold and Polymer Thin Films Onto CaF2 and BaF2 Substrates, Davis Daniel, Dr. Paul Davis, Becky Muñoz, Tram Bui, Chad Watson, and Dr. William Hughes


Shielded Cold Cathode Magnetron (SCCM), Tyler Rowe, Geoff Groff, Sonya Shawver, and Brandon Wells

Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) for a Wind Turbine Farm, Pedro Cahuana, Jared Eby, and Leticia Maresca

Thermal Environment Control of a Memory Module Tester, Tyson McFall, Tom Wood, and Sean Drake

The Role of Grain Boundary Character on Dynamic Recrystallization, Ben Albiston, Chris Stifter, Caleb Corolewski, and Tram Bui

Towards Optimization of a Low Temperature Co-Fired Ceramic Catalyst Chamber for a Monopropellant Microthruster, Andrew Vissotski

Two Way Automatic Communication System (TWACS) Filter Design, Bryce Simpson, Hector Ocampo, and Jake Kofoed

Using Robotics to Automate New Memory Device Testing, Kolton Drake


War Eagle Shopping Center, Megan Kautz, Jonathan Rocha, Peter McKenzie, Clemente Salinas, and David McLenna

War Eagle Shopping Mall Development, Hadi Mirsadeghi, Brett Jones, Alejandro Lorenzana, Adrian Rangel, and Jennifer Selders

Washing Machine Vibration Isolation, Derek Miller, Dusty Byington, and Jarom Zimmerman

Wind Turbine Blade Redesign Study, Daniel Feeser and Ron Smith