"The Impact of an E-Portfolio Program in a Music Education Curriculum" by Linda Thornton, Norene Ferris et al.

The Impact of an E-Portfolio Program in a Music Education Curriculum

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The electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) program at the Pennsylvania State University, initiated to assist students find employment upon graduation, quickly evolved into a 4-year sequential process for the documentation of, and reflection on, becoming a music educator. After 6 years of development, it seemed decision making for the program would benefit by being data driven. Six stakeholder groups were identified and surveyed as to their perceptions of the e-portfolio program (current students, student teachers, alumni, mentor teachers, employers, and music education faculty). Based on the questionnaire responses, a prevalent theme among undergraduate students was the importance of the ease of using technology. Alumni in general seemed to perceive greater value in the e-portfolios than current students, whereas mentor teachers and employers had minimal awareness, interest, and/or involvement in the e-portfolio process or outcomes. Questions about the possibilities, impact, and future of e-portfolios in the curriculum are raised based on the results.
