"Exploring Low-Cost Potentiostat Devices for Portable Electrochemical R" by Brian Cummings and David Estrada

2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase

Exploring Low-Cost Potentiostat Devices for Portable Electrochemical Research

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Dr. David Estrada


Traditional potentiostats, while essential for electrochemical research, have often been bulky and immobile, presenting logistical challenges for laboratories requiring their use. This has prompted the development of smaller, more portable variants, offering greater convenience and flexibility. Particularly intriguing are low-cost potentiostat devices made from microcontrollers equipped with Bluetooth or short-range connectivity, facilitating seamless data transmission to mobile devices, servers, or other acquisition systems. In our laboratory, we are actively engaged in the rapid prototyping of such low-cost potentiostat devices, exploring their potential applications in conjunction with flexible electronics. By leveraging these advancements, we aim to enhance the accessibility and versatility of electrochemical research, paving the way for innovative solutions in various fields.

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