2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Stephanie F. Hudon
This past Spring, Dr. Stephanie Hudon and I analyzed pathogens in patient and wild animal samples using Next Generation Sequencing with the Illumina Respiratory Pathogen ID/AMR Enrichment Panel (RPIP). We found that Coronavirus OC43 was prevalent in many clinical samples in patients who had tested negative for COVID-19 and Influenza but were still exhibiting respiratory and other symptoms. I also found Coronavirus OC43 through surveillance of a ground squirrel. This may suggest the pathogen has a zoonotic origin. I analyzed the base pair alignment of each of our patients’ pathogen samples to the strains found in NCBI to determine if mutations had occurred. This research opens the door to furthering our understanding of how pathogens are transmitted between humans and animals. Additionally, many of the patients who tested negative for COVID-19 but had Coronavirus OC43 exhibited much harsher symptoms (such as throwing up) than patients usually exhibit with this pathogen. Our base pair alignment analyses could suggest that there may have been a mutation event that caused these more severe symptoms.
Recommended Citation
Trester, Miranda K.; Gallegos, Tate A.; Hardy, Alex G.; and Hudon, Stephanie F., "Surveillance of Animal and Patient Samples for Pathogens" (2024). 2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase. 73.