2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase
Resilience During the Pandemic: What's the Influence of Your Living Situation?
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Eric Martin and Dr. Kelly Rossetto
Stress, Loneliness, and Resilience are ubiquitous within the college setting, with each playing one part of an environment full of obstacles and opportunities for students. Resilience supports individual’s ability to overcome hardship when confronted with challenges. Further, loneliness, which can present as emotional loneliness (absence of intimate relationships or close emotional attachments) and social loneliness (absence of a broader social network), and stress, the emotional strain from unpredictable and uncontrollable aspects of an event, could influence resilience. Undergraduate students at Boise State University completed questionnaires on stress, resilience, and loneliness prior to, during, and post-covid. Data analysis indicated these constructs were interconnected. Specifically, resilience was negatively related to stress and loneliness at all three time points. Additionally, individuals reported a decline in resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic and increased feelings of stress and loneliness that have not recovered post-pandemic to pre-pandemic levels. Finally, the individuals who reported living with peers compared to other groups reported the highest levels of resilience and the lowest levels of stress, and loneliness. These individuals might be best suited for dealing with adversity in their college career due to the support systems they have in place.
Recommended Citation
Swanstrom, Daniel; Martin, Eric; and Rossetto, Kelly, "Resilience During the Pandemic: What's the Influence of Your Living Situation?" (2024). 2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase. 46.