2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase
Understanding the Impact of Mindfulness on Student Academic Performance in Undergraduate Health and Public Health Students
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
Faculty Sponsor
Naomi Foxall and Andy Hyer
Mindfulness is a technique often referenced when looking at reducing stress levels. A student’s ability to manage stress not only impacts overall health but also could have implications regarding academic performance. Undergraduate programs in health and public health can be challenging for students to manage stress to achieve academic success.
Pilot study to understand factors of mindfulness on stress management and academic performance in undergraduate health and public health students.
Observational, cross-sectional anonymous survey where data collected from a convenience sample of thirty-nine (39) individuals in an undergraduate health research course.
Overall, there was a high level of agreement that mindfulness is important in stress management (M = 4.22) there was lower level of agreement that mindfulness reduces stress (M = 3.75). Students in the older demographic group (≥ 22 years of age) expressed the highest mean of mindfulness reducing stress to improve academic success (M = 4.23).
Further research could assess higher outcomes in older demographics (≥ 22 years of age) versus younger demographics view of mindfulness being effective as a tool for stress management to improve academic performance.
Recommended Citation
Evans, Jackie; Foxall, Naomi; and Hyer, Andy, "Understanding the Impact of Mindfulness on Student Academic Performance in Undergraduate Health and Public Health Students" (2024). 2024 Undergraduate Research Showcase. 21.