2021 Undergraduate Research Showcase

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Natalie Mourant


There has been a long-standing concern about the amount of radiation exposure a patient receives during their hospital stay. Common practice in hospitals are the utilization of portable technologies on certain exams, allowing technologists to perform x-ray imaging bedside. The research contained in this document compares two types of portable technologies, one using a cathode ray tube and one using a carbon nanotube, and the amount of radiation produced when performing x-ray exams with each. The key focus areas of comparison between these two portables are the dose, type of exams, and machine capabilities. This research was conducted in a hospital located in the pacific northwest of the United States. Each portable machine utilizing the same exposure factors, and were positioned at two separate times over a knee phantom in an anteroposterior (AP) position. The knee phantom was utilized to simulate an infant or anatomical extremity. The null hypothesis states that there is no significant difference in the amount of dose emitted to the patient and staff when using a different x-ray tube technology portable machine. This research suggests that newer portable devices using a carbon nanotube emitted less direct dose as well as scattered dose during a given exposure, to the patients, technologists, and medical professionals involved. These findings suggest promising discoveries towards advancements in dose reduction technology, concluding the need for further research.



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