"From Cultural Values Through Parental Practices to Children's Academic" by Samantha Cary and Iryna Babik

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Iryna Babik


Historically, Chinese students have performed better academically than American students, particularly in math and science. Based on previous research, cultural values and parental practices may help explain such success. Chinese culture emphasizes the importance of learning, effort, continual self-improvement, self-regulation, and academic achievement (Ng & Wei, 2020; Pomerantz et al., 2014). Children’s actions are constantly scrutinized, and parents demand respect and total obedience from their children. Aside from improving children’s math and science skills, Chinese parents’ persistent monitoring aids children’s inhibitory control, attention span, long-term planning skills, and executive functioning. Chinese parents are also incredibly involved in children’s education, making an effort to help them with their schoolwork at home and maintaining high standards for their children’s achievement. American culture, on the other hand, values independence, self-expression, and creativity. American parents celebrate their children’s accomplishments, highlighting their successes rather than pointing out their failures (Pomerantz et al., 2014). American parents are also typically less involved in their children’s schoolwork and education. Thus, cultural values shape parenting practices, which, in turn, influence children’s academic achievement in math and science.



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