2021 Undergraduate Research Showcase

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Samia Islam


According to Forbes Magazine, Boise, Idaho is the 15th fastest growing city in the United States (World Population Review, 2021). While this immense growth provides the opportunity for economic and cultural development, it also comes with various growing pains. Boise is beginning to experience difficulties concerning housing availability. Specifically, our team is interested in understanding how the rapid growth of Boise has impacted the housing available for students at Boise State University. Our research will focus on the direct impact this housing shortage has had on students through a qualitative and quantitative study. The data required for our analysis will be collected from two different sources. The primary source used will be a comprehensive survey that intends to collect information on several aspects of Boise State students' living conditions and experiences including location, price, means of transportation, student income, financial aid, student demographics, and more. Then secondary sources will come from local public datasets on the Boise housing marking. By drawing from both survey and public data, our group believes that we will gain considerable insight into the Boise housing shortage and can then use the information to answer the following questions: How much has the cost of student housing increased? Is there enough student housing available? Do landlords favor students or non-students? How far are students living from campus and does the housing shortage play a role in the decision? How can the city of Boise act in order to ease the adverse effects of rapid population growth? Our team expects to find an adverse relationship between the barriers to student housing accessibility and access to higher education.



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