Recycled P.E.T. Plastic
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Amy Moll, Dr. Vicki Stieha, and Dr. Noah Salzman
Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) water bottles are frequently thrown away after a single-use. PET plastic was found to be the most common type of plastic waste on the Boise State University campus, even though the material is recyclable. At the same time the quantity of PET waste has grown, 3D printing of plastic prototypes on campus has also grown. Our goal is to find a way to convert recycled PET plastic into 3D printer filament. We are developing processes to collect, clean, dry and shred PET waste. Shredded PET will then be extruded to create 3D printer filament for use in the Engineering Innovation Studio. If successful, we will explore how to replicate or expand the process to supply PET filament for other maker labs.
Recommended Citation
Stelluto, Gianna A.; Plum, Lindsey; Pollock, Vaughn; Moll, Amy; Stieha, Vicki; and Salzman, Noah, "Recycled P.E.T. Plastic" (2020). 2020 Undergraduate Research Showcase. 178.