Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date



College of Health Sciences


School of Nursing

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Max Veltman


The purpose of this project is to assist a rural county in Idaho with streamlining and updating their child fatality review process to better align with national standards. Child fatality review (CFR) teams exist to review suspicious child deaths involving abuse and/or neglect or to help identify public safety hazards. Although several statewide reports have been published in Idaho, there remains a significant gap in data that can be useful for local (county level) efforts to prevent child fatality. A new process is underway for analysis of pediatric fatalities in 2016 and 2017. In addition to the analysis, the report contains recommendations for reducing or preventing these types of deaths in the future, based on national, evidence-based standards. With assistance from the county prosecutor’s and coroner’s offices, as well as local police and first responders, the amount of data we are able to collect will significantly lead to a better understanding of pediatric fatalities. This project will play an important role in helping to understand the occurrence of child fatalities at the county level. Accurate and up-to-date data increases the CFR board’s ability to target limited public health resources appropriately, as well as to promote legislative policy changes.
