
Synthesis of Small Molecule Inhibitors for Metastatic Breast Cancer Pathways

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date



College of Arts and Sciences


Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry

Faculty Sponsor

Dr. Don L. Warner


As of 2019, it is predicted that 268,600 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in the United States and of those diagnosed, 41,760 will lose their lives. More specifically, the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Database (SEER) measured the 5-year survival rate of localized breast cancer to be 99% compared to a dismal 27% for distant breast cancer. It has been studied that inflammatory cytokines (IC) activate several pathways that have been found to play an active part in promoting the metastasis of breast cancer. This prompted the creation and evaluation of small molecule inhibitors (SMI) for the target IC. Previous work using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) concluded the small molecule IC-SMI-10 inhibited one of the culpable pathways. The focus of this research is to design and synthesize second generation IC-SMI-10 analogs with greater proclivity for inhibiting the metastatic breast cancer pathway. The goal is to continue creating analogues of specifically IC-SMI-10B with a focus on determining to what degree hydrophobic interactions are responsible for binding in the IC’s active site. These developments are sought to be highly advantageous in preventing metastatic breast cancer.

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