Reduction and Analysis of Pavement Profiler Data to Quantify the Bump at the End of the Bridge
Document Type
Student Presentation
Presentation Date
College of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Faculty Sponsor
Dr. Debakanta Mishra
The roughness experienced at bridge approaches and departures, generally termed as the Bump at the End of the Bridge (BEB), has been identified as one of the most prominent issues in the transportation industry. The occurrence of the BEB is usually detected qualitatively based on road user feedback, with maintenance strategies subsequently implemented to improve the ride quality. BEB and road roughness can cause many issues beyond user discomfort including: driver safety concerns, vehicle damage, increased maintenance requirements for both automobiles as well as the bridge infrastructure, and decreased service life of the bridges. The bump at the end of the bridge is a complex issue caused by multiple interactive factors. Several research efforts have focused on identifying different factors contributing to the BEB problem and identifying suitable remedial measures. Quantitative approaches must be used to establish standardized “ride quality indices” that can be used among engineers to establish the condition of a particular bridge approach, and subsequently evaluate the need for maintenance and rehabilitation efforts. A research study is currently being undertaken in the Civil Engineering Department at Boise State University to explore potential methods to quantify the roughness at bridge approaches, and analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Recommended Citation
McAtee, Jenn, "Reduction and Analysis of Pavement Profiler Data to Quantify the Bump at the End of the Bridge" (2019). 2019 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference. 109.