
An Analysis for Construction of a Commercial Kitchen in the Boise Farmers Market

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date



College of Business and Economics



Faculty Sponsor

Samia Islam


The Boise Farmers Market (BFM) is looking to expand into a permanent location in the near future. In identifying their future permanent location, BFM’s goal is to ensure ease of access for area residents as well as functionality for their vendors. The Board of Directors for the Boise Farmers Market is currently weighing the options of adding a commercial kitchen to the proposed new building. In order to understand whether or not adding a kitchen will be beneficial for the market, we will look into four similar markets across the country that currently have commercial kitchens. By understanding how these kitchens operate and whether they benefit the market as a whole, we can determine if building a commercial kitchen is a viable option for the Boise Farmers Market. We will collect and summarize data on county population, farmers’ market attendance, size of farmers market, size of commercial kitchens, cost of commercial kitchen installation, and rental opportunities for the commercial kitchen in other farmers markets that are comparable to the Boise Area. Our research findings will help identify the benefits and costs for the Boise Farmers Market to install a commercial kitchen at their future location.

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