Apr 20th, 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Basque DNA: An Investigation and Comparison of 17 Y-Chromosome Microsatellite Loci of the Local Basque Population - Euskal Herriko Eta Euskal
Faculty Mentor
DNA was processed from cotton oral swab samples, taken from volunteers of the Boise area Basque population. In order to determine genealogy and mode of Basque ancestry, questionnaires were collected along with the swabs. In total, thirty samples reported a paternal Basque lineage and were used in the investigation. Seventeen microsatellite loci of Y-chromosome DNA were analyzed and the allele frequency data was compared to published data on individuals living in the Spanish part of the Basque Country. Similar to a twin study, the purpose of this comparison is to measure the genetic connection between the immigrated Basque population and that of the source Basque population. By using techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), quantitative PCR, and the 310 Genetic Analyzer capillary electrophoresis, the specific alleles at each microsatellite loci were tabulated. The genetic diversity was compared within and between immigrant and source populations. An analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) was performed using the ARLEQUIN Version 3.1 program.
Udan euskaldunen ADN muestrak lortu genituen. Galdeketak banatu eta familiei buruzko informazioa jaso genuen. Guztira aitaren aldeko hogeita hamar erakusgai euskaldun hartu genituen. Boiseko euskaldunen eta Euskal Herriko euskaldunen emaitzak konparatu genituen.