Publication Date
Type of Culminating Activity
Degree Title
Master of Science in Computer Science
Department Filter
Computer Science
Computer Science
Supervisory Committee Chair
Alark Joshi
Supervisory Committee Member
Kristin Potter
Supervisory Committee Member
Amit Jain
With data sets growing in size, more efficient methods of visualizing and analyzing data are required. A user can become overwhelmed if too much data is displayed at once and be distracted from identifying potentially important features. This thesis presents methods for focus+context visualization of vector fields. Users can interact with the data in real time to choose which regions should have more emphasis through a mouse or touch interface. Streamlines and hedgehog based visualizations are used to provide focus+context to vector visualizations. The presented visualization methods are shown to be more computationally efficient and are shown to scale well to smaller resource platforms (such as tablets), while user evaluations indicate user performance for feature analysis and particle advection was similar to existing techniques.
Recommended Citation
Anghel, Joshua Joseph, "Interactive Focus+Context Glyph and Streamline Vector Visualization" (2013). Boise State University Theses and Dissertations. 762.