Publication Date
Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)
Type of Culminating Activity
Degree Title
Master of Arts in Anthropology
Department Filter
Supervisory Committee Chair
Kristin Snopkowski, Ph.D.
Supervisory Committee Member
Kathryn Demps Warden, Ph.D.
Supervisory Committee Member
Jared Talley, Ph.D.
Human-wildlife coexistence has become a hot topic of late, especially in the case of the grey wolf, where there are generally two distinct camps; those that strongly support wolf conservation and those that strongly support wolf eradication. This research explores the factors influencing a person’s perception of the wolf. Some previous research suggests that formal education may be one important factor, where more formal education leads to more positive perceptions of the wolf. Other factors, such as geographic location (e.g., urban versus rural), have also been proposed as important contributors to wolf perception. While studies of these factors have been conducted around the US, no study has explored these factors in Idaho. This constitutes a gap in the literature. This research explores four research questions: 1) Does formal education influence wolf perception? 2) Does geographic location influence wolf perception? 3) Does one’s personal experience with wolves influence wolf perception? And finally, given the evolutionary history of wolves and dogs, does dog ownership lead to a more positive wolf perception? Through an online and mailed survey, over 100 participants from varying locations (e.g., remote, rural, suburban, and urban) provided information on their opinions of wolf-related conservation. A second survey investigated whether dog ownership might influence wolf perception. Results show that formal education does not affect wolf perception in Idaho. However, geographic location has a strong effect, where rural and remote participants have a significantly more negative perception of wolves. Further analyses exploring whether this was due to personal experience found no significant effect of personal experience on wolf perception, suggesting a strong effect of cultural attitudes. Finally, the second survey showed a significant effect of dog ownership on having a more positive perception of wolves. However, due to a small sample of rural residents, caution is warranted. Results gathered here will contribute to efforts to engage diverse stakeholders in dialogue around human-wolf coexistence.
Recommended Citation
Prokop, Karl Michael, "Contributing Factors That Affect the Perception of Canis lupus, the Grey Wolf, in Idaho" (2024). Boise State University Theses and Dissertations. 2250.