"Fracture Behavior of Advanced Technology Fuels for Light Water Reactor" by Adrianna Elizabeth Lupercio

Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)


Type of Culminating Activity


Degree Title

Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering

Department Filter

Materials Science and Engineering


Materials Science and Engineering

Supervisory Committee Chair

Brian J. Jaques, Ph.D.

Supervisory Committee Member

Andrew T. Nelson, Ph.D.

Supervisory Committee Member

Corey Efaw, Ph.D.

Supervisory Committee Member

Mahmood Mamivand, Ph.D.


The urgent call to decarbonize our energy infrastructure, while simultaneously meeting growing energy demands, highlights the need for reliable and clean energy sources. Nuclear energy provides reliable, high-capacity baseload electricity while emitting zero greenhouse gases during operation. To adequately meet the energy needs of society and maintain economic viability, it is crucial to enhance the efficiency of nuclear power plant (NPP) operations. Upgrades to NPP operations require near-term Advanced technology Fuel (ATF), such as doped UO2, to increase the flexibility of plant operation without impacting safety margins.

Small additions of metal oxide dopants are reported to increase grain size, thereby limiting fission gas release (FGR) and increasing pellet compliance to mitigate pellet-chemical interactions (PCI) and pellet-cladding mechanical interactions (PCMI). Prior to implementing doped UO2 fuels into the reactor fleet, it is important to understand dopant effects on fracture behavior as it impacts fuel performance, such as thermal conductivity, and its tolerance to accident conditions. The availability of fracture data for irradiated and unirradiated UO2 is limited, while only one study (N = 7, where N is the number of test samples) is available for unirradiated doped UO2. Hence, a knowledge-gap exists in the literature for fracture behavior of doped UO2 fuel forms. The existing knowledge-gap in fuel fracture analysis partly stems from the inherent challenges in machining radiological materials into samples suitable for the traditional bend bar tests. Consequently, acquiring sufficient data to understand the stochastic fracture behavior of ceramic materials is difficult. The ball-on-ring (BOR) biaxial flexure test method utilizes simple right cylindrical geometries representative of commercial nuclear fuel, requires minimal surface preparation, and is tolerant of edge defects; these advantages reduce the time and cost of sample production.

As a full understanding of the statistical fracture behavior for ATF concepts has not been established, this work aims to develop and establish the BOR test method to obtain statistical fracture data of undoped and doped UO2, providing insight into fracture behavior. Chapter two of this work presents a study performed to validate the BOR biaxial flexure technique using technical ceramics with well-known mechanical properties complemented with finite element analysis (FEA). Chapter three details a test case of CeO2 and Ti-doped CeO2 to obtain statistical fracture data. The CeO2 material was selected as a surrogate for UO2 to refine sample processing, characterization techniques, and the BOR test method for undoped and doped UO2. The research study performed on CeO2 and Ti-doped CeO2 was motivated by its use as an electrolyte material for intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFCs). The Ti-CeO2 samples were doped with 0.1 weight percent (wt%) TiO2 and resulted in an increased characteristic strength (≈ 20%) and Weibull modulus compared to CeO2, making them a more robust option for IT-SOFCs. In the context of this collective study, it was intended to provide proof of concept for the BOR test method for the testing of UO2.

Chapter four details the work to produce a benchmark dataset to establish the fracture behavior of undoped UO2 using the BOR method. This work provides a robust dataset for a comparative analysis of the fracture behavior of doped UO2 and future fracture studies of ATF concepts. Hertzian contact damage was observed for undoped UO2 test batch 1 due to the small diameter loading ball (≈ 3 mm), which was no longer observed in test batch 2 with a larger loading ball (≈ 19 mm). The contact damage did not appear to influence fracture behavior as both datasets resulted in a characteristic strength and Weibull modulus that agrees with previously published transverse rupture strength (TRS) values for undoped UO2.

In chapter five, the statistical fracture of doped UO2 was acquired for UO2 doped with TiO2 or Cr2O3 to investigate the effects of dopants on the fracture behavior of UO2. The interplay among grain size, dopant-induced defect structures, and pore size and distribution were explored. Both TiO2 and Cr2O3 doped UO2 sample sets resulted in lattice contraction and a characteristic strength and Weibull modulus that were lower than expected based on density, pore size, and distribution. The increased grain size of TiO2 doped UO2 samples was expected to reduce the fracture strength, yet residual tensile stresses attributed to dopant incorporation in the UO2 lattice had a greater impact on fracture behavior. Doped UO2 samples resulted in a reduced fracture strength and with a larger scatter in TRS values.

Collectively, the body of this work establishes a BOR test method for the rapid fabrication and mechanical testing of UO2 and ATF concepts and presented a comparative analysis of fracture behavior for undoped and doped UO2 fuels. The statistical fracture data presented in this study provide baseline data for enhanced fuel performance code predictions of fuel fracture behavior impacting phenomena during reactor operation. This work provides foundational analysis of fracture behavior to advance research on ATF concepts and assist in acceleration of fuel qualification for the current and future nuclear reactor fleets.





Available for download on Saturday, August 01, 2026
