"The Myth Belongs to Me" by Ariel Delgado Dixon

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Publication Date


Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)


Type of Culminating Activity

Thesis - Boise State University Access Only

Degree Title

Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

Department Filter

Theatre Arts


Theatre, Film, and Creative Writing

Supervisory Committee Chair

Brady Udall, M.F.A.

Supervisory Committee Member

Emily Ruskovich, M.F.A.

Supervisory Committee Member

Joy Williams, M.F.A.


"The Myth Belongs to Me" is a novel in progress. This contemporary story follows an unnamed female protagonist engaged in a romantic grift with the woman who now occupies her childhood home. Meanwhile, our narrator's deranged sister has resurfaced, exhuming past traumas and family secrets that cross time, place, and generations. Told in the first person, "The Myth Belongs to Me" traverses pop culture, gentrification, and biracial and queer identity--all the while considering the ways in which history repeats itself.


