Publication Date
Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)
Type of Culminating Activity
Degree Title
Master of Health Science
Department Filter
Community and Environmental Health
Community and Environmental Health
Supervisory Committee Chair
Sarah E. Toevs, Ph.D.
Supervisory Committee Member
Caile E. Spear, Ph.D.
Supervisory Committee Member
Jeannie McCarthy-Jaggi, M.H.S.
Although evidence has demonstrated the link between oral and overall health, full integration of medical and dental services in practice is rare in the United States. The current research was designed to describe the development and implementation of the Terry Reilly Health Services (TRHS) Latah Medical-Dental-Behavioral Health integrated clinic (Latah Clinic). Data was collected through structured interviews with a purposive sample of employees from TRHS; observations of a Latah Clinic care team meeting; an environmental scan of facility space; and an analysis of intake forms used at the Latah Clinic. Seven employees from TRHS were invited to participate in structured interviews. Five participants completed the interviews, three face-to-face and two via e-mail. Checklists were developed to document evidence of integration during the Latah Clinic care team meeting, environmental scan and analysis of intake forms.
The findings from this study suggest that the Latah Clinic is fully integrated and demonstrates high levels of collaboration. The clinic would like to continue to grow and improve, therefore, suggestions to aide in this endeavor were provided. Study limitations such as small sample size and the lack of information from the perspective of the patient must be considered when interpreting the findings.
TRHS Latah Medical-Dental-Behavioral Health Clinic is a rarity in the United States. The strategies used in the TRHS integration process serve as a model for other practices and health care organizations as they evolve toward becoming patient-centered medical-dental homes.
Recommended Citation
Pace, Kylie B., "Integration of Medical and Dental Services: Case Study of the Terry Reilly Health Services Latah Clinic Experience" (2017). Boise State University Theses and Dissertations. 1324.