Publication Date
Date of Final Oral Examination (Defense)
Type of Culminating Activity
Degree Title
Master of Arts in Communication
Department Filter
Supervisory Committee Chair
Julie Lane, Ph.D.
Supervisory Committee Member
John McClellan, Ph.D.
Supervisory Committee Member
erin mcclellan, Ph.D.
This case study employs the Elaboration Likelihood Model as a framework for understanding one Idaho/Oregon Health System's community health program and weekly walking event. Meet Me Monday, a program started in 2013 due to many organizational and federal goals to improve patient population and community health, has been perceived to have struggled with influencing increased and sustained participation. This study focuses on the communicative efforts of the Meet Me Monday community health program, and looks to gain a fuller understanding of the influences and moderating variables to participation.
Utilizing data sources such as semi-structured interviews with program organizers, surveying of program attendees, data on attendance and structure, and collateral materials showcasing the communicative efforts of the program, this case study examines various factors influencing the delivery and reception of communicative efforts, and their ensuing influences to participate in Meet Me Monday.
The findings show that the program organizers, survey respondents, and the subsequent communicative efforts of Meet Me Monday present a complex relationship of medium preference, message frame, preferred source characteristics, motivations, and personal relevance. The most relevant demographic (MRD) as determined by literature and the program's intent as outlined by organizers had disparate influencers as compared to general medium use, and valued certain source characteristics not consciously employed by the program organizers. Similarly, the MRD also showed preference towards messages centered on family and relationships, rather than that of exercise and those solely focused on getting healthier. Other factors such as source expertise employed by the program organizers in communicative efforts were not as effective as those employed by other source characteristics, although motivation to participate was increased by employer-driven messages to participate in community health programs.
As such, this study can offer a foundation for dialogue in developing community health program's communicative efforts in the future, considering a better understanding of the influences that affect participation in such programs.
Recommended Citation
Schlaich, Joshua, "Meet Me Monday: Case Study on a Community Health Program Through the Lens of the Elaboration Likelihood Model" (2015). Boise State University Theses and Dissertations. 1057.