"Speaker Permission Release Form" by ScholarWorks

Document Type

Unpublished Paper

Publication Date



It is Boise State University’s practice to disseminate and preserve presentations at events sponsored by the Albertsons Library and affiliated organizations.

Albertsons Library events and presentations are recorded, broadcast live via the Internet (“webcast”), or openly disseminated through other available means. The recording may be captioned, cataloged, and made permanently available for viewing through ScholarWorks (scholarworks.boisestate.edu), via Kaltura, an open source, online, streaming video platform, or through a similar platform. The recording may also be used for other lawful purposes of the University, including being reproduced in copies or in derivative works, or distributed, performed, or displayed for such purposes.

Recorded presentations are disseminated with an “Attribution-NonCommercial” 4.0 Creative Commons (CC BY-NC) license, or other similar license. The license will allow others to remix, tweak, and build upon the contributor’s work non-commercially, and although the new works must also acknowledge the contributor and be non-commercial, it does not have to license the derivative works on the same terms.

This form may be used to receive permissions from featured speakers to record and share their presentations via ScholarWorks.

Questions can be directed to ScholarWorks at 208-426-2581 or scholarworks@boisestate.edu.



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