Boise State University Student Research Initiative | Student Research | Boise State University

The Student Research Program provides funded opportunities for Boise State University students to pursue independent academic and creative work and engage in research and scholarship under the supervision of a faculty mentor. The program is open to both undergraduate and graduate degree-seeking students in all academic disciplines. The mission of the program is to facilitate and increase the use of student research as a tool for engaged learning, critical thinking, and the creation of knowledge. The goals of the program are to foster and expand student research at Boise State University through increasing the number of students from all disciplines participating in research and increasing the number of publications and presentations from research involving students from all disciplines, and to ensure content/skill mastery and to promote interdisciplinary socialization. For more information, please visit the Student Research Program site.


Submissions from 2013


OpenCUDA+MPI, Kenny Ballou and Nilab Mohammad Mousa

Effects of Teriparatide in Bone Cells, Nic Baughman, Travis Baker, Kellen Mather, Jim Pelton, Dan Lambert, Landon Nye, and Tara Smith


Assessing the Reliability of Stable Isotopes in Fossil Bone: A Unique Case Study of Prehistoric Lung Pathology., Kathleen Bundy and Samuel D. Matson

Geochronology in the Exshaw Formation: correlation with the Hangenberg extinction event. , Susan Bundy and Josh Ekhoff

DNA-Based Excitonic AND Logic Gate, Brittany L. Cannon


Immigrant Brides in Taiwan: New Land, New Hope?, YuWen Chen


Immigrant Brides in Taiwan: New Land, New Hope?, YuWen Chen

The Functions of Self-Esteem Enhancement and Close Relationships in Terror Management Theory , Brooke Cramblitt


Dendrochronological Reconstruction of Fire, Bogus Basin Area Boise National Forest, Amy L. Cutter

Use of Integrated Technology in Team Sports: A Review of Opportunities, Challenges, and Future Directions for Athletes, Carla Dellaserra

Non-Polar Electrical Field Flow Fractionation (Np-EFFF), Mayra Estrada, Katherine Thornock, and Chris Vanderhoff


Melville in Tahiti: A GIS Approach, Jessica Ewing

Mismatch in Higher Education: Neoliberal Shortcomings in Student Consumerism, Jake Grahn


Mismatch in Higher Education: Neoliberal Shortcomings in Intrinsic Value in the University, Jake A. Grahn

Phylogenentic Reconstruction of Paramoebidium, the Largest Genus of the Amoebidiales, Dustin Heeney

Phylogenetic Placement of the Arthropod Endosymbiont Paramoebidium, the Largest Genus of the Amoebidiales, Dustin Heeney, Nicole Reynolds, and Eric Tretter

Measuring Wind-Blown Sediments in the Boise Foothills, Phill Hummer

Linguistic Features of Kibembe, Ron Hurrle, Max Badesheim III, Victoria Del Toro, Brianne Gardner, Heather Harrington, Hallie Heath, Kelli Jones, Kelsey Montzka, Jordan Pierce, Veronica Roberts, Dustin Svoboda, Savannah Wilson, and Danielle Yarbrough


Biomedical Photoacoustic Imaging Using Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection, Jami Johnson


Biomedical Photoacoustic Imaging Using Gas-coupled Laser Acoustic Detection, Jami L. Johnson


Development of a New Experiment Demonstrating Categorical Perception, Kelsey Montzka

Development of a New Experiment Demonstrating Categorical Perception, Kelsey Montzka

The Benefits of Undergraduate Research Assistantships in Nursing, Ryoko Pentecost


The Benefits of Undergraduate Research Assistantships in Nursing, Ryoko Pentecost


Comprehensible Output and the Effects of Music and Movement in Spanish Language Acquisition, Tricia Pinkert-Branner


Comprehensible Output and the Effects of Music and Movement in Spanish Language Acquisition, Tricia Pinkert-Branner

Mating System Analysis of Native Populations of Taeniatherum caput-medusae (Medusahead): Potential for Post-Introduction Evolution During Biological Invasions, Carly Prior, Rene Sforza, and Stephen J. Novak

The Influence of After School Programs on Adolescent Substance Use, Stevy Scarbrough

Regime Change in the Post-Arab Spring, Verona Schaller


Chemical Warfare Agents in Plants: Biodefensive Terpenes from Sagebrush, Belinda Stierman

Non Polar Electrical Field Flow Fractionation (Np-EFFF), Katherine Thornock, Chris Vanderhoff, and Michael Stirewalt

Characterizing Pluripotency of Primary Cells Derived from Elasmoid Scales of Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Kenneth Weekes