College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Poster Presentations | 2013 Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Conference | Boise State University


Submissions from 2013

Analysis of Gender Differences in Self-Statements and Mood Disorders., Robert DeVore

APA Writing Project , Charlotte Tomevi

Breastfeeding: Public vs. Private Perceptions , Lauren Moore

Bridging Cultural Gaps in the American Diplomatic Community, Alexa Walker

Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Among College Students with Symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder, Charlotte Tomevi

Divorce and the Effects on Optimism, Spirituality and Commited Relationships, Lexi Rypma

Educational Achievement Among Asian Children: Ethnic Differences in First Grade Math and Reading Scores, Lesley Yang

Faculty Perceptions of the Usefulness of Student ePortfolios, Annie Hezeltine

Female Prisoner Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders (F-PATSO): A Preliminary Comparison Using the Community Attitudes Toward Sex Offenders(CATSO-R) Scale, Nikki Weihe

From the Halls of the University to the Shores of Tripoli: the New University-Military Relationship, Vanessa Cornwall

Hermeneutics- The Art of Interpretation from a Listening Perspective, Lance Moore

Male Attitudes and Knowledge About Breastfeeding, Kimberly McGourty

Minor Stress with Self-Reported Confidence Levels and Stress Levels, Elsira Gramajo

Mismatch in Higher Education: Neoliberal Shortcomings in Student Consumerism, Jake Grahn

Neoliberal Multiculturalism: the Diversity that Divides Us, Michael Kreiter

Optimism and Relationship Satisfaction: Do Self-Disclosure Behaviors Make a Difference?, Matthew Sather

Persuading Students: Video Use in Persuading Students to Develop Soft Skills, Brittney Holcomb

Public Opinions on Substance Use While Breastfeeding, Hannah Spafford

Reactions to Term-Time Employment in Higher Education, Briana Cornwall

Regime Change in the Post-Arab Spring, Verona Schaller

Relationship Between Trauma and Stress-Induced Physiological Responses, Natalia Samudovsky, Serenety-Elsira Gramajo, and Heather A. Welton


Report on the Media’s Affect in Relation to the Creation of Optimism or Pessimism About the United States, Spencer Brown

Response to Relationship Problems: BIS/BAS and Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect, Kelsey Nichols

Self-Reported and Physiological Measures of Stress Responses, Jenna Hunt, Josefa A. Untalan, and Daniel W. Ingham

Sex Differences in Depressive Symptom Patterns Using the Masculine Depression Scale, Lauren Mitsunaga

The Functions of Self-Esteem Enhancement and Close Relationships in Terror Management Theory , Brooke Cramblitt

The Influence of After School Programs on Adolescent Substance Use, Stevy Scarbrough

The Racialized Experiences of Video Games, Mario Venegas

The Relationship between Gender, Decision Making, Primary Risk Factors and Sub-threshold Binge Eating Disorder, Tom Weekes

Too “Hot” to Ignore: Fire hazards at the Boise Wildland Urban Interface, Juli McCoy

Translating Occupy: Global Social Movements, Culture, and Processes of Engendering Change, Stephen Rhinehart

University Marketing and Students’ Perception of a College Experience, Jacob Church

Winning in New Democracies: Why Parties Are More Victorious Than Others in Foundational Elections, Josue Gomez