"Early Childhood Special Education Services" by Delanie Williamson

College of Social Sciences and Public Affairs Poster Presentations

Early Childhood Special Education Services

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Shelton Woods


Beginning in the Fall Semester of 2011 I started a field study at a local elementary school in Boise in their Early Childhood Special Education classroom. The class consists of eight children all with different levels of development and need. I chose a focus child whose main qualifier was for speech and language. This began a process that I will complete this May.

The process begins with observation during which we can identify some of the strengths and weaknesses of the child. We also do a family interview to assess their concerns. Following that we conduct a AEPS which is an assessment used to determine a child’s developmental level. Following the AEPS we are able to choose goals and objectives that we target throughout the child’s intervention. Upon completion of goal and intervention development we complete an Individualized Education Plan to guide how and when the education team teaches the child. Upon the completion of this process our goal is to see some sort of progress in one of the three goals we have developed for the child.

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