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The purpose of this document is to provide readers with the coding protocol that authors used to code 96 studies that focused on Stages 1, 2, and/or 3 of curriculum-based measurement in mathematics (CBM-M) research. Stage 1 refers to evidence for using CBM at one point in time (i.e., static scores), such as for screening for difficulty. Stage 2 refers to evidence for using CBM repeatedly overtime, such as for progress monitoring. Stage 3 focuses on the instructional utility of CBM (i.e., instructional decisions to increase student achievement). The purpose of the systematic review was to update the Foegen et al., (2007) literature review on CBM-M. We evaluated 96 studies published since 2006 that included more than 540,000 participants. Nearly all studies (k = 83) reported results related to Stage 1, fewer studies reported results related to Stage 2 (k = 39) and Stage 3 (k = 4). The results of the systematic review report findings related to reliability, criterion validity, diagnostic accuracy, growth rates, and instructional utility of CBM-M.

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© 2022, Nelson and Kiss.

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