Research Computing Days 2023
Density Current on a Slope
Document Type
Presentation Date
College of Arts and Sciences
Department of Mathematics
This is a simulation of a dense water (colored by salinity concentration) located at the top of a 10 km slope and immersed in fresh water (not colored). The simulation was done using Non-hydrostatic Unified Model of the Ocean (NUMO) developed by the author. The model is using advanced numerical methods (discontinuous and continuous Galerkin) and unstructured grids (shown in the background of the simulation domain). This simulation is one of the benchmarks for the model aiming to simulate the interaction of ice and ocean in Greenland fjords.
Funding Statement
This project is funded by Department of Energy Office of Science awards DE-SC0014105 and DE-SC0015337.
Recommended Citation
Kopera, Michal, "Density Current on a Slope" (2023). Research Computing Days 2023. 3.