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We present a method of combining cluster abundances and large-scale two-point correlations, namely galaxy clustering, galaxy–cluster cross-correlations, cluster autocorrelations, and cluster lensing. This data vector yields comparable cosmological constraints to traditional analyses that rely on small-scale cluster lensing for mass calibration. We use cosmological survey simulations designed to resemble the Dark Energy Survey Year 1 (DES-Y1) data to validate the analytical covariance matrix and the parameter inferences. The posterior distribution from the analysis of simulations is statistically consistent with the absence of systematic biases detectable at the precision of the DES-Y1 experiment. We compare the χ2 values in simulations to their expectation and find no significant difference. The robustness of our results against a variety of systematic effects is verified using a simulated likelihood analysis of DES-Y1-like data vectors. This work presents the first-ever end-to-end validation of a cluster abundance cosmological analysis on galaxy catalogue level simulations.
Copyright Statement
This article has been accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2021 The Author(s). Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.
Publication Information
To, Chun-Hao; Krause, Elisabeth; Rozo, Eduardo; Wu, Heidi; Gruen, Daniel; DeRose, Joseph; Rykoff, Eli; Wechsler, Risa H.; Becker, Matthew; Costanzi, Matteo; Eifler, Tim; Da Silva Pereira, Maria Elidaiana; and Kokron, Nickolas. (2021). "Combination of Cluster Number Counts and Two-Point Correlations: Validation on Mock Dark Energy Survey". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 502(3), 4093-4111.