
Submissions from 2021


Improving Philosophical Dialogue Interventions to Better Resolve Problematic Value Pluralism in Collaborative Environmental Science, Bethany K. Laursen, Chad Gonnerman, and Stephen J. Crowley


Disciplining Skepticism Through Kant’s Critique, Fichte’s Idealism, and Hegel’s Negations, Meghant Sudan

Submissions from 2020

Beyond Reason: The Subject of Desire and Enjoyment in Populism, Gautam Basu Thakur and Meghant Sudan

Submissions from 2019


Justice or Pleasure?, Christopher M. Innes


How to Solve Hume's Problem of Induction, Alexander Jackson


Rampant Non‐Factualism: A Metaphysical Framework and Its Treatment of Vagueness, Alexander Jackson

Submissions from 2018


How to Formulate Arguments from Easy Knowledge, and Maybe How to Resist Them, Alexander Jackson


Civility and Academic Freedom: Who Defines the Former (and How) May Imperil Rights to the Latter, Theodore W. McDonald, James D. Stockton, and R. Eric Landrum

Submissions from 2016


From Relative Truth to Finean Non-Factualism, Alexander Jackson


On the Nature of Cross-Disciplinary Integration: A Philosophical Framework, Michael O'Rourke, Stephen Crowley, and Chad Gonnerman

Submissions from 2015


How You Know You are Not a Brain In a Vat, Alexander Jackson


Applying the CACAO Change Model to Promote Systemic Transformation in STEM, Anthony Marker, Patricia Pyke, Sarah Ritter, Karen Viskupic, Amy Moll, R. Eric Landrum, Tony Roark, and Susan Shadle

Submissions from 2014

Seeing through the Eyes of Collaborators: Using Toolbox Workshops to Enhance Cross-Disciplinary Communication, Stephen Crowley

Enhancing Communication & Collaboration in Interdisciplinary Research, Michael O'Rourke, Stephen J. Crowley, Sanford D. Eigenbrode, and J. D. Wulfhorst

Submissions from 2013

Grounding Past Truths: Overcoming the Challenge, Brian Kierland


Ability-Based Objections to No-Best-World Arguments, Brian Kierland and Philip Swenson


Philosophical Intervention and Cross-Disciplinary Science: The Story of the Toolbox Project, Michael O'Rourke and Stephen J. Crowley


Using Bibliometrics to Support the Facilitation of Cross-Disciplinary Communication, Christopher J. Williams, Michael O'Rourke, Sanford D. Eigenbrode, Ian O'Loughlin, and Stephen Crowley

Submissions from 2012


Two Ways to Put Knowledge First, Alexander Jackson

Chaplain Stella Aldwinckle: A Biographical Sketch of the Spiritual Foundation of the Oxford University Socratic Club, Jim Stockton


C.S. Lewis and the Oxford Philosphers: A Philosophical Review of the Oxford Socratic Club (1941-72), Jim Stockton

Submissions from 2011

NEH Panel: A Model for Philosophers, Stephen Crowley


Appearances, Rationality, and Justified Belief, Alexander Jackson

Necessity and Color Incompatibility, Brian Kierland

Aristotle on Time: A Study of the Physics, Tony Roark

Books from 2010

Introduction to Philosophy, Erin Anchustegui


The Inflexibility of Relative Truth, Alexander Jackson

Maieutikos, Maypoles, and Metacognition: Teaching Undergraduates About Aristotelian Substance, Tony Roark

Submissions from 2009


How "Weak" Mindreaders Inherited the Earth, Cameron Buckner, Adam Shriver, Stephen Crowley, and Colin Allen


The X-Phi(les): Unusual Insights into the Nature of Inquiry, Jonathan M. Weinberg and Stephen Crowley

Loose Constitutivity and Armchair Philosophy, Jonathan M. Weinberg and Stephen J. Crowley

Submissions from 2005

Aristotelian Temporal Passage, Tony Roark

Submissions from 2004


Why Aristotle Says There is No Time Without Change, Tony Roark

Where Have All Our Values Gone?: The Decline of Values in America and What We Can Do About It, Andrew B. Schoedinger

Submissions from 2003

Aristotle’s Definition of Time Is Not Circular, Tony Roark


Conceptual Closure in Anselm's Proof, Tony Roark

Submissions from 1983


St. Augustine and the Problem of Deception in Religious Persuasion, Alan Brinton

Submissions from 1982


The Obligation to Believe, Alan Brinton