Marketing Faculty Publications and Presentations | Department of Marketing | Boise State University

Please note that prior to the summer of 2016 both the Department of Marketing and the Department of Finance were officially one: The Department of Marketing and Finance. As such, a number of finance faculty publications located in this collection have been filtered into the Finance Faculty Publications and Presentations collection, as their URLs cannot be altered from their original placement in this repository.


Submissions from 2024


Sensational Stories: The Role of Narrative Characteristics in Distinguishing Real and Fake News and Predicting Their Spread, Anne Hamby, Hongmin Kim, and Francesca Spezzano


Whose Story is This?: Source Reveal as a Communication Tactic to Increase Consumers’ Advocacy for Social Causes, Anne Hamby, Davide Orazi, and Patrick Moreau


Climate Action Now: How to Fuel a Social Movement, Lama Lteif, Gia Nardini, Tracy Rank-Christman, Lauren Block, Melissa G. Bublitz, Jesse R. Catlin, Samantha N. N. Cross, Anne Hamby, and Laura A. Peracchio

Submissions from 2023


Strategies and Tools to Enhance the Use of Dynamic Audiovisual Stimuli in Academic Advertising Research, Anne Hamby and Cristel Russell


Significant Objects: How Eudaimonic Narratives Enhance the Value of Featured Products, Anne Hamby, Ali Tezer, and Jennifer Edson Escalas


The Service Empowerment Model: A Collaborative Approach to Reducing Vulnerability, Leslie Koppenhafer, Kristin Scott, Todd Weaver, and Mark Mulder


The Effect of Team Leader Characteristics on Learning, Knowledge Application, and Performance of Cross-Functional New Product Development Teams, Shikhar Sarin and Christopher McDermott


Exploring the Future of Market Driving: A Dialogue with Marketing Thought Leaders, Fiona Schweitzer, Stacey L. Malek, and Shikhar Sarin


Extending the Conversation on Market Driving: An Introduction to the Special Issue, Fiona Schweitzer, Stacey L. Malek, and Shikhar Sarin

Submissions from 2022


Goal Orientation and Negotiation Strategies: An Empirical Analysis, Abena Emily Ayowa Asante-Asamani, Mohammad Elahee, and Jason MacDonald


Have You Found What You’re Looking for?: How Values Orientations Affect Pro-Social Change After Transformative Service Experiences, Anne Hamby and Justine Rapp Farrell


The Effect of Affect: An Appraisal Theory Perspective on Emotional Engagement in Narrative Persuasion, Anne Hamby and Niusha Jones


Above the Scam: Moral Elevation Reduces Gullibility, Anne Hamby, Brent McFerran, and Darren W. Dahl


How Does Ambivalence Affect Young Consumers’ Response to Risky Products?, Anne Hamby and Cristel Russell


Not Whodunit but Whydunit: Story Characters’ Motivations Influence Audience Interest in Services, Anne Hamby and Tom Van Laer


An Empirical Comparison of the Extended Parallel Process Model with the Terror Management Health Model, David M. Hunt and Omar Shehryar


A “Clear and Conspicuous” Distraction: Coping with Incongruent Audiovisual Content in Direct-to-Consumer Advertisements, Jesse King, Christopher Yencha, Leslie Koppenhafer, and Robert Madrigal


A Measurement Model of the Dimensions and Types of Informal Organizational Control: An Empirical Test in a B2B Sales Context, Stacey L. Malek, Shikhar Sarin, and Bernard J. Jaworski


Overcoming Bias Against Funding of Female-Led Entrepreneurial Initiatives: The Democratizing Influence of Online Crowdlending Platforms, Shivendu Pratap Singh, Trina A. Sego, and Shikhar Sarin

Submissions from 2021


Exploring the Effects of For-Profit and Nonprofit Size Congruency: An Exchange Perspective on Cause-Related Marketing, Anne Hamby, Niusha Jones, and Guohong Yu


Look, Puppies!: A Visual Content Analysis of Required Risk Statements Embedded in Direct-to-Consumer Pharmaceutical Advertising, Jesse King, Leslie Koppenhafer, and Robert Madrigal


Co-Citation, Bibliographic Coupling and Leading Authors, Institutions and Countries in the 50 Years of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Alicia Mas-Tur, Norat Roig-Tierno, Shikhar Sarin, Christophe Haon, Trina Sego, Mustapha Belkhouja, Alan Porter, and José M. Merigó

Submissions from 2020


Social and Personal Values in Advertising: Evidence from Food Advertising in South Korea, Caroline Gauthier, Marianela Fornerino, Carolina O. C. Werle, Alain Jolibert, Min Seong Lee, and Trina Sego


How Stories in Memory Perpetuate the Continued Influence of False Information, Anne Hamby, Ullrich Ecker, and David Brinberg


Driving Markets: A Typology and a Seven-Step Approach, Bernard J. Jaworski, Ajay K. Kohli, and Shikhar Sarin


Actions Speak Louder Than Words: How Characters’ Effectiveness as Message Sources Depend on Their Story Experiences, Cristel Antonia Russell, Anne Hamby, Boris Chapoton, and Véronique Régnier Denois


Uncovering the Knowledge Flows and Intellectual Structures of Research in Technological Forecasting and Social Change: A Journey Through History, Shikhar Sarin, Christophe Haon, Mustapha Belkhouja, Alicia Mas-Tur, Norat Roig-Tierno, Trina Sego, Alan Porter, José M. Merigó, and Stephen Carley

Submissions from 2019


A Relationship Among Neighborhood Traits, Home Sales and Mortgage Fraud: The Atlanta Market Leading into the Mortgage Crash of 2008, M. Cary Collins, Ann Fulmer, Keith Harvey, and Peter J. Nigro


It's About Our Values: How Founder's Stories Influence Brand Authenticity, Anne Hamby, David Brinberg, and Kim Daniloski


Exploring the Relationship Between Agricultural Intensification and Changes in Cropland Areas in the US, Meimei Lin and Qiping Huang


Exploring Muslim Attitudes Towards Corporate Social Responsibility: Are Saudi Business Students Different?, Maurice J. Murphy, Jason B. MacDonald, Giselle E. Antoine, and Jan M. Smolarski


The Role of Trust in e-Government Effectiveness, Operational Effectiveness and User Satisfaction: Lessons from Saudi Arabia in e-G2B, Ricardo Santa, Jason B. MacDonald, and Mario Ferrer


Diving in Together or Toes in the Water: The Interplay of Community and Nonprofit Engagement in Poverty Alleviation, Todd Weaver, Mark Mulder, Leslie Koppenhafer, Kristin Scott, and Richie L. Liu

Submissions from 2018


An Event Study Analysis of Too-Big-to-Fail After the Dodd-Frank Act: Who is Too Big to Fail?, Kyle D. Allen, Ken B. Cyree, Matthew D. Whitledge, and Drew B. Winters


Patterns of Knowledge Outflow from Industrial Marketing Management to Major Marketing and Specialized Journals (1999–2013): A Citation Analysis, C. Anthony Di Benedetto, Shikhar Sarin, Mustapha Belkhouja, and Christophe Haon


The Robust "Maximum Daily Return Effect as Demand for Lottery" and "Idiosyncratic Volatility Puzzle", Jared Egginton and Jungshik Hur


Sales Management Control Systems: Review, Synthesis, and Directions for Future Exploration, Stacey L. Malek, Shikhar Sarin, and Bernard J. Jaworski


Does Persistence Explain ESG Disclosure Decisions?, Garret A. McBrayer

Submissions from 2016


Design Thinking in Online Communities: Suggestions for Overcoming Crowdsourcing Issues, Jason B. MacDonald and Mohammad Niamat Elahee


Perceived and Realized Risk Tolerance: Changes During the 2008 Financial Crisis, Diane K. Schooley and Debra Drecnik Worden


A Classroom Experience That Builds the Top Skills Employers Want, Kirk Smith

Submissions from 2015


Experiential Learning Projects: A Pedagogical Path to Macromarketing Education, Scott K. Radford, David M. Hunt, and Deborah Andrus


“It Broadens Your View of Being Basque”: Identity Through History, Branding and Cultural Policy, Nina M. Ray and John P. Bieter


Beyond Downton Abbey: Remembering the Great War's Fallen Through Education and Marketing, Nina M. Ray Ph.D. and Andrew T. Mink


Commemoration and Poppies: Cambridge, and Other American Battle Monuments Commission Cemeteries’ Mission on Anniversary Years, Nina M. Ray and Andy T. Mink

SASB: A Pathway to Sustainability Reporting in the United States, Diane K. Schooley and Denise M. English

Submissions from 2013


Branding Basques, Bilbao, and Boise: Marketing as Metaphor for History, John Bieter and Nina M. Ray


On The Operating Performance of REITs Following Seasoned Equity Offerings: Anomaly Revisited, C. Ghosh, Scott Roark, and C. F. Sirmans


The Relationship Between Equity Dependence and Environmental Performance, Jason B. MacDonald and Matthew Maher

Asset Class Impacts on the 30-Year Efficient Frontier, Matt Maher, Harry White, Phil Fry, and Matt Wilkerson

Dilution vs. Dancing: Scotch-Irish and Basque Cultural Assimilation and Preservation, Nina Ray and John Bieter


Accumulating and Spending Retirement Assets: A Behavioral Finance Explanation, Diane K. Schooley-Pettis and Debra Drecnik Worden


Leading a Multiple Project Mobile Learning Initiative: The Approach at Boise State University, Susan E. Shadle, Ross A. Perkins, Doug J. Lincoln, Michael J. Humphrey, and R. Eric Landrum

Books from 2012

Capital as Money, Brian McGrath and L. Dwayne Barney

Standing on the Family Farm in Tysvær: How Did “Kallekodt” Become “Thompson”?—How Is Tysvær Pronounced?, Nina M. Ray

Homecoming, Hamefarin and Hijacked Country-of-Origin Perceptions: The Motivations of Irish and Scottish Legacy Tourists, Nina Ray and Gary McCain


Personal Identity and Nostalgia for the Distant Land of Past: Legacy Tourism, Nina M. Ray and Gary McCain


Implementing Changes in Marketing Strategy: The Role of Perceived Outcome- and Process-Oriented Supervisory Actions, Shikhar Sarin, Goutam Challagalla, and Ajay K. Kohli


The Impact of Status Orientations on Purchase Preference for Foreign Products in Vietnam, and Implications for Policy and Society, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai and Kirk Smith

Submissions from 2011


Empirical Problems Using the Efficient Frontier to Find Optimal Weights in Asset Classes, Matthew Maher, Harry White, and Phil Fry


The Role of Identity in Disposal: Lessons from Mothers’ Disposal of Children’s Possessions, Barbara J. Phillips and Trina Sego

An American Perspective on European Roots Tourism, Nina Ray and Gary McCain

Submissions from 2010

Mortgage Brokers and Mortgage Rate Spreads: Their Pricing Influence Depends on Neighborhood Type, M. Cary Collins and Keith D. Harvey

Target Date Funds: Simple in Concept but Complex in Practice, Matthew Maher, Harry White, and Diane Schooley-Pettis


Characteristics that Enhance Training Effectiveness in Implementing Technological Change in Sales Strategy: A Field-Based Exploratory Study, Shikhar Sarin, Trina Sego, Ajay K. Kohli, and Goutam Challagalla


Fueling the Credit Crisis: Who Uses Consumer Credit and What Drives Debt Burden?, Diane Schooley-Pettis and Debra Drecnik Worden

Shareholder Proposals, Board Composition, and Leadership Structure, Diane Schooley-Pettis, Celia Renner, and Mary Allen


Mothers' Experiences Related to the Disposal of Children's Clothing and Gear: Keeping Mister Clatters but Tossing Broken Barbie, Trina Sego

Submissions from 2009


Using Corporate Inflation Protected Securities to Hedge Interest Rate Risk, L. Dwayne Barney and Keith D. Harvey


Substituting Corporate Saving for Personal Saving: An Explanation for Falling Personal Saving Rates, L. Dwayne Barney, Diane K. Schooley-Pettis, and Harry White

Maintenance of Latvian Business Language, Culture, and Community through Heritage Tourism and the Internet, Gundars Kaupins, Nina M. Ray, and Andris Berzins

Student Response Systems Adoption and Use in Marketing Education: A Status Report, Doug J. Lincoln


Guiding Tourists to Their Ancestral Homes, Nina M. Ray and Gary McCain


Taking Stock and Looking Ahead: An Introduction to the Special Issue on New Product Development Teams, Shikhar Sarin


First Among Equals: The Effect of Team Leader Characteristics on the Internal Dynamics of Cross-Functional Product Development Teams, Shikhar Sarin and Gina Colarelli O’Connor


Measurement of Modern and Traditional Self-Concepts in Asian Transitional Economies, Nguyen Thi Tuyet Mai, Kirk Smith, and Johnson R. Cao

Submissions from 2008


An Introduction to the Special Issue on Marketing of High-Technology Products, Services and Innovations, Shikhar Sarin and Jakki Mohr


Drucker's Insights on Market Orientation and Innovation: Implications for Emerging Areas in High-Technology Marketing, Shikhar Sarin and Jakki J. Mohr

Submissions from 2006


Lewis, Clark, and the Corps of Discovery: Re-Enactment Event Tourism as Authentic Heritage Travel, Nina Ray, Gary McCain, Derick Davis, and Tracy L. Melin

Submissions from 2004


Alienation in the Distribution Channel: Conceptualization, Measurement, and Initial Theory Testing, John F. Gaski and Nina Ray

Submissions from 2003


Legacy Tourism: The Search for Personal Meaning in Heritage Travel, Gary McCain and Nina M. Ray

Submissions from 2001


Some Reflections on Explanation in Negative Messages, Mohan R. Limaye

Submissions from 2000

Managing Cultural Diversity in the American Workplace, Mohan R. Limaye


Perception is the Thing: Presenting Variant Worldviews in the International Business Communication Classroom, Mohan R. Limaye

Submissions from 1998


Doing Business in India: Aspects of the Political Dimension, Mohan R. Limaye

Submissions from 1997


Further Conceptualization of Explanation in Negative Messages, Mohan R. Limaye

Submissions from 1994


Facilitating Research in Multi-Cultural Business Communication, Mohan R. Limaye


Responding to Work-Force Diversity: Conceptualization and Search for Paradigms, Mohan R. Limaye

Submissions from 1993


A Letter to the Editor: Relevance Versus Significance in Business Communication Research, Mohan R. Limaye