"The Role of Socioemotional Wealth in Entrepreneurial Persistence Decis" by Dalong Ma, E. Shaunn Mattingly et al.

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Many factors may influence entrepreneurial persistence in various contexts. For example, scholars find that family business entrepreneurs are more persistent than other entrepreneurs. However, the reasons why they are more persistent are not as well known. Utilizing a conjoint experiment with 64 entrepreneurs and 376 decisions, this paper examines the influence of socioemotional wealth (SEW) on persistence decisions in a family business context. The results of the Hierarchical Linear Modelling show that the expected financial returns, expected non-financial benefits, expected switching costs, and probability of expected outcomes influence entrepreneurial persistence decisions. Further, family business entrepreneurs with higher levels of SEW focus more on non-financial benefits when facing alternative opportunities. This study also provided empirical evidence for different dimensions of SEW. The results show that the emotional attachment of family members and the renewal of family bonds to the firm are effective indicators, which provide a direct measurement of SEW. The findings of this study increase scholarly understanding of both entrepreneurial persistence literature founded in threshold theory and SEW literature.

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