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Contribution to Books
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This recipe incorporates ingredients from several competency documents designed by an array of library groups to create an exercise that helps to bolster skills and services sur- rounding research data management (RDM). This assessment allows the library to better understand and visualize the strengths and gaps in knowledge necessary to effectively run an RDM team creating an ever-changing, collaborative “stone soup.”
Copyright Statement
This work was originally published by ACRL.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
Publication Information
Armstrong, Michelle; Davis, Megan; Dworak, Ellie; Paul, Yitzhak; and Shook, Elisabeth. (2022). "Research Data Management Stone Soup: Gauging Team Competencies: Gauging Team Competencies". In K. Getz and M. Brodsky (Eds.), The Data Literacy Cookbook (pp. 211-213). ACRL.
Related Publications:
Armstrong, Michelle; Davis, Megan; Dworak, Ellie; Paul, Yitzhak; and Shook, Elisabeth. (2021). "Research Data Management Competencies Self-Assessment". Data Management Services. Paper 8.