"Teaching Excellence Through Mindful Reflection" by Shawn R. Simonson, Megan Frary et al.

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Reflective teaching is examining one’s beliefs about teaching and learning and determining the alignment of those beliefs with what happens within your courses (Reflective Teaching, 2021). The goal is to think critically about one’s teaching to find evidence of effective teaching as well as identifying potential areas for improvement (Palmer, 2017). The tool described here is based on the Framework for Assessing Teaching Effectiveness (FATE) and is intended to help teachers develop self-reflection around teaching and objectively describe their strengths and weaknesses in a manner consistent with the evidence of their teaching practices (Simonson, Earl, and Frary, 2021; Simonson, Frary, and Earl, 2023).

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This document was originally published in Faculty Focus by Magna Publications. Copyright restrictions may apply.

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