"NSF COMPLEAT: Year 3 Evaluation" by McAllister Hall and Kristi Spalding

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The objective of the COMPLEAT project is to improve prospective elementary teacher (PSET) engagement through an innovative, interdisciplinary, and inquiry-based approach that addresses the pressing need for integration of multiple disciplines in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The project seeks to improve learning experiences for PSETs in acquiring mathematics (math) skills by exploring the rules of math in other STEM disciplines and solidifying knowledge and skills in teaching contexts as sustainable practices.

The project aims to meet these objectives through the Applying, Connecting, Experiencing (ACE) instruction model, integrating Community-Based Experiential Learning (CBEL) into PSET courses, and using Integrated Math-Enhanced (IME) STEM inquiry activities.

The COMPLEAT project is being implemented at Augusta University (Augusta) in Georgia, Boise State University (Boise State) in Idaho, Kapiolani Community College (KCC) in Hawaii, and University of Texas San Antonio (UTSA) in Texas.
