Optically Gated Transistor Amplifier
Additional Funding Sources
The project described was supported by Kris Campbell and Md Faisal Kabir.
An optically-gated transistor has many uses in areas such as sensors and fiber optics. In this work, we created an optically-gated transistor using Ge2Se3 doped with Al and used this transistor to build and test a single transistor amplifier that uses light from a light-emitting diode as an input signal and generates an output a voltage proportional to this optical input. We built and tested a common-source NMOS amplifier and compared its operation to the optically-gated amplifier.
Optically Gated Transistor Amplifier
An optically-gated transistor has many uses in areas such as sensors and fiber optics. In this work, we created an optically-gated transistor using Ge2Se3 doped with Al and used this transistor to build and test a single transistor amplifier that uses light from a light-emitting diode as an input signal and generates an output a voltage proportional to this optical input. We built and tested a common-source NMOS amplifier and compared its operation to the optically-gated amplifier.