Danio rerio LARP6: mRNA Expression

Additional Funding Sources

The project described was supported by Institutional Development Awards (IDeA) from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health under Grant Nos. P20GM103408 and P20GM109095. We also acknowledge support from The Biomolecular Research Center at Boise State with funding from the National Science Foundation, Grant Nos. 0619793 and 0923535, the MJ Murdock Charitable Trust, and the Idaho State Board of Education.

Presentation Date



DNA is an important molecule that sends important instructions called messenger RNA (mRNA) with the purpose of synthesizing proteins. Many researchers study specific genes within DNA to observe the importance of specific proteins. One method researchers use to study genes is through primer design and Real Time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). Primers help target a specific sequence in DNA that will be analyzed. Using RT-qPCR multiple copies of the region targeted by the primers are created. In our project we will be using samples of Danio rerio to create specific primers that will target LARP6 (Lupus Antigen ribonucleoprotein domain 6) mRNA made from the LARP6 gene. Once primers are added to the sample, RT-qPCR will be used to tag a fluorescence to the samples and create multiple copies of our target of interest. During this real time process, we will be able to determine levels of LARP6 mRNA expression by observing an increase in fluorescence. We can detect varying levels of expression using different samples by comparing the levels of fluorescence detected using qPCR. Future studies will include the creation of more primers for other animal models to see how these organisms differ in expression levels of LARP6 mRNA.



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Danio rerio LARP6: mRNA Expression

DNA is an important molecule that sends important instructions called messenger RNA (mRNA) with the purpose of synthesizing proteins. Many researchers study specific genes within DNA to observe the importance of specific proteins. One method researchers use to study genes is through primer design and Real Time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-qPCR). Primers help target a specific sequence in DNA that will be analyzed. Using RT-qPCR multiple copies of the region targeted by the primers are created. In our project we will be using samples of Danio rerio to create specific primers that will target LARP6 (Lupus Antigen ribonucleoprotein domain 6) mRNA made from the LARP6 gene. Once primers are added to the sample, RT-qPCR will be used to tag a fluorescence to the samples and create multiple copies of our target of interest. During this real time process, we will be able to determine levels of LARP6 mRNA expression by observing an increase in fluorescence. We can detect varying levels of expression using different samples by comparing the levels of fluorescence detected using qPCR. Future studies will include the creation of more primers for other animal models to see how these organisms differ in expression levels of LARP6 mRNA.