ScholarWorks - Idaho Conference on Undergraduate Research: App-reciating Educational Technology: Bringing Traditional English Classrooms into the 21st Century

App-reciating Educational Technology: Bringing Traditional English Classrooms into the 21st Century

Faculty Mentor Information

Esther Ntuli

Presentation Date



In a society driven by technology, public education must maintain useful and current educational technology. It is a challenge for schools to implement technology without compromising necessary in-class instruction and curriculum goals for a subject. At the secondary education level, this issue appears even more prevalent in English classrooms. This study analyzes the benefits and drawbacks that KhanAcademy provided for STEM courses, reviews the reasons that technology is lesser-integrated into English classrooms compared to other subjects, argues the need for educational technology, and outlines existing avenues of technology integration for secondary English classrooms. It then proposes a website and smartphone application that attempts to achieve similar objectives for English courses that KhanAcademy has accomplished for STEM programs. This research reviews secondary level instruction and curricula; however, as this study further develops, it may provide benefits for and avenues of integration at all educational levels.


Poster #W43

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App-reciating Educational Technology: Bringing Traditional English Classrooms into the 21st Century

In a society driven by technology, public education must maintain useful and current educational technology. It is a challenge for schools to implement technology without compromising necessary in-class instruction and curriculum goals for a subject. At the secondary education level, this issue appears even more prevalent in English classrooms. This study analyzes the benefits and drawbacks that KhanAcademy provided for STEM courses, reviews the reasons that technology is lesser-integrated into English classrooms compared to other subjects, argues the need for educational technology, and outlines existing avenues of technology integration for secondary English classrooms. It then proposes a website and smartphone application that attempts to achieve similar objectives for English courses that KhanAcademy has accomplished for STEM programs. This research reviews secondary level instruction and curricula; however, as this study further develops, it may provide benefits for and avenues of integration at all educational levels.