Intermountain Bird Observatory Publications and Presentations | Intermountain Bird Observatory | Boise State University


Submissions from 2024


Flammulated Owl Distribution and Habitat Associations During the Breeding Season in the Western United States, Robert A. Miller, Zachary P. Wallace, Robert C. Skorkowsky, Jennifer A. Blakesley, Markus Mika, Joseph B. Buchanan, Jay D. Carlisle, and Michael Green

Submissions from 2023


Temporal and Spatial Population Dynamics of the Nomadic Short-Eared Owl Across the Western United States, Robert A. Miller, Joseph B. Buchanan, Theresa L. Pope, Jay D. Carlisle, Colleen E. Moulton, and Travis L. Booms

Submissions from 2022


Clock-Linked Genes Underlie Seasonal Migratory Timing in a Diurnal Raptor, Christen M. Bossu, Julie A. Heath, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, Barbara Helm, and Kristen C. Ruegg


Understanding Continent-Wide Variation in Vulture Ranging Behavior to Assess Feasibility of Vulture Safe Zones in Africa: Challenges and Possibilities, Gregory Kaltenecker


Short-Eared Owl Land-Use Associations During the Breeding Season in the Western United States, Robert A. Miller, Joseph B. Buchanan, Theresa L. Pope, Jay D. Carlisle, Colleen E. Moulton, and Travis L. Booms


Importance of Flood Irrigation for Foraging Colonial Waterbirds, Colleen E. Moulton, Jay D. Carlisle, Sonya J. Knetter, Kathryn Brenner, and Robert A. Cavallaro

Submissions from 2021


Local Weather Explains Annual Variation in Northern Goshawk Reproduction in the Northern Great Basin, USA, Allyson B. Bangerter, Eliana R. Heiser, Jay D. Carlisle, and Robert A. Miller


Monitoring Through Community Science: Anna’s Hummingbird Winter Range Expansion into Idaho, Jessica J. Pollock, Heidi Ware Carlisle, Heather M. Hayes, and Bryce W. Robinson

Submissions from 2020


Illegal Killing of Nongame Wildlife and Recreational Shooting in Conservation Areas, Jay D. Carlisle, Eve C. Thomason, James R. Belthoff, Julie A. Heath, Kristina J. Parker, Heather M. Hayes, Madeline C. Alberg, Sandra M. Amdor, Steven E. Alsup, and Stephanie E. Coates


Marabou Stork Leptoptilos crumenifer Breeding in the Greater Gorongosa Landscape, Mozambique, Marc Stalmans, Andre Botha, Teague Scott, Gregory Kaltenecker, and Ara Monadjem

Submissions from 2019


Long-Billed Curlew Nest Site Selection and Success in the Intermountain West, Stephanie E. Coates, Benjamin W. Wright, and Jay D. Carlisle

Submissions from 2018


Major Stopover Regions and Migratory Bottlenecks for Nearctic-Neotropical Landbirds within the Neotropics: A Review, Jay Carlisle


Morphological Changes in American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) at Continental Migration Sites, Gregory S. Kaltenecker

Submissions from 2017


Noise from a Phantom Road Experiment Alters the Age Structure of a Community of Migrating Birds, C. J. W. McClure, H. E. Ware, J. D. Carlisle, and J. R. Barber


Repeated Observations of Northern Goshawks Foraging as Terrestrial Predators, Robert A. Miller


Contrasting Habitat Associations of Sagebrush-Steppe Songbirds in the Intermountain West, Robert A. Miller, Laura Bond, Patrick N. Migas, Jay D. Carlisle, and Gregory S. Kaltenecker

Submissions from 2016


Local and Regional Weather Patterns Influencing Post-Breeding Migration Counts of Soaring Birds at the Strait of Gibraltar, Spain, Robert A. Miller, Alejandro Onrubia, Beatriz Martín, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, Jay D. Carlisle, Marc J. Bechard, and Miguel Ferrer


Variable Shifts in the Autumn Migration Phenology of Soaring Birds in Southern Spain, Micah N. Scholer, Beatriz Martín, Miguel Ferrer, Alejandro Onrubia, Marc J. Bechard, Greg S. Kaltenecker, and Jay D. Carlisle

Submissions from 2015


High Prevalence of Leucocytozoon Parasites in Nestling Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in the Northern Great Basin, U.S.A., Michelle I. Jeffries, Robert A. Miller, Michelle D. Laskowski, and Jay D. Carlisle


Increasing Capture Frequency for Flammulated Owls and Northern Saw-Whet Owls During Fall Migration, Jessica Pollock, Jay D. Carlisle, Chad Runco, and Gregory Kaltenecker


A Phantom Road Experiment Reveals Traffic Noise is an Invisible Source of Habitat Degradation, Heidi E. Ware, Christopher J.W. McClure, Jay D. Carlisle, and Jesse R. Barber

Submissions from 2014


Effects of Prey Abundance on Breeding Season Diet of Northern Goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) Within an Unusual Prey Landscape, Robert A. Miller, Jay D. Carlisle, and Marc J. Bechard

Submissions from 2013


An Experimental Investigation into the Effects of Traffic Noise on Distributions of Birds: Avoiding the Phantom Road, Christopher J. W. McClure, Heidi E. Ware, Jay Carlisle, Gregory Kaltenecker, and Jesse R. Barber


Predicting Nesting Habitat of Northern Goshawks in Mixed Aspen-Lodgepole Pine Forests in a High-Elevation Shrub-Steppe Dominated Landscape, Robert A. Miller, Jay D. Carlisle, Marc J. Bechard, and Dena Santini

Submissions from 2012


Irruptive Migration of Chestnut-Backed Chickadees to Southwestern Idaho, Jay D. Carlisle


Food Availability, Foraging Behavior, and Diet of Autumn Migrant Landbirds in the Boise Foothills of Southwestern Idaho, Jay D. Carlisle, Karen L. Olmstead, Casey H. Richart, and David L. Swanson


Morphometric Variation in Flammulated Owls Captured During Autumn Migration in the Western United States, Jeff P. Smith, John P. DeLong, Lynda L. Leppert, Sarah L. Stock, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, and Jay D. Carlisle


How Safe is Mist Netting? Evaluating the Risk of Injury and Mortality to Birds, Erica N. Spotswood, Kari Roesch Goodman, Jay D. Carlisle, Renée L. Cormier, Diana L. Humple, Josée Rousseau, Susan L. Guers, and Gina G. Barton

Submissions from 2011


Effects of Regional Cold Fronts and Localized Weather Phenomena on Autumn Migration of Raptors and Landbirds in Southwest Idaho, Robert A. Miller, Jay D. Carlisle, and Gregory S. Kaltenecker

Submissions from 2010


The Adrenocortical Stress Response in Three North American Accipiters During Fall Migration, Heather M. Rogers, Marc J. Bechard, Greg S. Kaltenecker, and Alfred M. Dufty

Submissions from 2009


Mercury Contamination in Idaho Bald Eagles, Haliaeetus leucocephalus, Marc J. Bechard, Dusty N. Perkins, Greg Kaltenecker, and Steve Alsup


Landbird Migration in the American West: Recent Progress and Future Research Directions, Jay D. Carlisle, Susan K. Skagen, Barbara E. Kus, Charles van Riper III, Kristina L. Paxton, and Jeff F. Kelly

Submissions from 2007

Status of the Broad-Winged and Red-Shouldered Hawks During Fall Migration in Southwestern Idaho, 1995-2006, Jay D. Carlisle, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, and Ryan S. Brady

Submissions from 2006


Relative Efficiency of Fecal Versus Regurgitated Samples for Assessing Diet and the Deleterious Effects of a Tartar Emetic on Migratory Birds, Jay D. Carlisle and Rebecca L. Holberton

Autumn Landbird Communities in the Boise Foothills and Owyhee Mountains of Southwestern Idaho, Jay D. Carlisle, Charles H. Trost, Sarah L. Stock, and Gregory S. Kaltenecker


Species Richness and Nesting Success of Migrant Forest Birds in Natural River Corridors and Anthropogenic Woodlands in Southeastern South Dakota, Dale J. Gentry, David L. Swanson, and Jay D. Carlisle


Sex Identification in Four Owl Species from Idaho: DNA and Morphometrics, Lynda Leppert, Tatiana V. Zadorozhny, James R. Belthoff, Alfred M. Dufty, Sarah L. Stock, Greg Kaltenecker, and James F. Smith


Comparative Ecology of the Flammulated Owl and Northern Saw-Whet Owl During Fall Migration, Sarah L. Stock, Patricia J. Heglund, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, Jay D. Carlisle, and Lynda Leppert

Submissions from 2005


Molt Strategies and Age Differences in Migration Timing Among Autumn Landbird Migrants in Southwestern Idaho, Jay D. Carlisle, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, and David L. Swanson


Stopover Ecology of Autumn Landbird Migrants in the Boise Foothills of Southwestern Idaho, Jay D. Carlisle, Gregory S. Kaltenecker, and David L. Swanson


Towards the Establishment of Landbird Migration Monitoring Networks in the United States, Jay D. Carlisle and C. John Ralph

Submissions from 2004

Identification of Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Asia: A Look at the Philippines and Vietnam, C. Christopher Baughn, Victor A. Lim, Lihn Thi My Le, Kent E. Neupert, and Shelton Woods

Breeding Bird Inventory of Spirit Mound Historic Prairie in Clay County - An Area Being Restored to Tallgrass Prairie, Jay D. Carlisle, H. S. Hoff, and P. M. Mabee


Habitat Associations, Relative Abundance, and Species Richness of Autumn Landbird Migrants in Southwestern Idaho, Jay D. Carlisle, Greg Kaltenecker, Sarah L. Stock, and David L. Swanson