
Ankle Prophylactic Devices Prevent Excessive Inversion

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Tyler Brown


Ankle sprain is the most common recreation injury. These injuries result from excessive inversion of the ankle, where the foot is directed inward beyond than 30°. To prevent these injuries, prophylactic devices are commonly worn during recreation. The purpose of this study is to compare the peak inversion angle amongst four different ankle prophylactic devices. Participants had 3D ankle kinematics recorded during sudden inversion with four prophylactic devices (Ankle Roll Guard, External Brace, Taped Ankle, and Control). For the sudden inversion, participants stood on the trap doors of a wooden platform, which could be randomly released to rotate the ankle inward 30°. Average peak ankle inversion was calculated from five trials that were recorded with each condition and submitted to statistical analysis. The research is ongoing, but expect all prophylactic devices to reduce peak ankle inversion when compared to control condition. However, we expect no significant difference in the peak inversion between the three prophylactic devices. The prophylactic devices appear to prevent excessive ankle inversion, but further research is needed to determine if they effect physical performance and mobility.

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