
An Age-Friendly Assessment Through the Eyes of a a Service Provider: Advantages, Barriers, and Suggestions for Improvements

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Sarah Toevs


My research focuses on understanding what access the older population of Boise, Idaho has to healthcare services. A better understanding of both age-friendly barriers and features will help in creating a community that is able to accommodate to its older population. A qualitative research design will be used to examine age-friendly access to health services from the perspective of the health providers in Boise, ID. The way in which this information will be gathered is through a mail survey completed by those 60 and older as well as their formal and informal caregivers living in Boise, Idaho. The survey will also be distributed to those who provide care or services to those who are 60 and older living in Boise, ID. Identification of barriers and features to healthcare services and perceptions for improvements, as identified by the participants of the mail survey will be discussed. The information gathered from this research will help in making Boise a more age-friendly community. Suggestions for improvements, as well as barriers identified will provide a place to start in transforming the community into an age-friendly environment for everyone who lives in Boise, Idaho.

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