
Age-Friendly Assessment of Boise, Idaho with Regards to Bronfenbrenner’s Socio-Ecological Model

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Sarah Toevs


The overall objective of the study is to examine the perceived age-friendliness of Boise using the Bronfenbrenner’s socio-ecological model to categorize and interpret the findings. This will be accomplished using the age-friendly community assessment protocol established by the World Health Organization. The population of interest consists of adults, aged 60 years and older, who currently reside within the city limits of Boise, Idaho. The research will be conducted using mixed methods, including an environmental scan of existing resources and services, focus groups, and a survey. Findings will be analyzed using Bronfenbrenner’s model to identify individual, community, and policy level factors in the City of Boise environment that impact the health and well-being of older adults. This study was approved by Boise State University Social & Behavioral Institutional Review Board, IRB #193-SB15-007.

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