"Concurrence of Anxiety and Nausea in Cancer Patients Undergoing Port A" by Alia Crandall

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Margaret Downey, Heather Roberts


Many life-saving treatments are employed to treat patients with debilitating diseases result in adverse side-effects. Prominent among these symptoms are nausea and anxiety. Although science has made strides in improving patient tolerance, little is understood regarding the nature and relationship of these symptoms. Nausea and anxiety affect patients concurrently, and the experience of each symptom is often vague and undefined relative to the other. While the temporal association between nausea and anxiety is not well-investigated, it is standard practice to include anxiety with the differential diagnosis of nausea. This in-progress study attempts to determine if an associative relationship exists between the symptoms of procedural nausea and anxiety among breast cancer patients undergoing portable catheter access in an outpatient setting by determining the frequency with which nausea and anxiety are experienced concurrently. The data for this in-progress study is being obtained in conjunction with an experimental study examining the efficacy of Aromatherapy in treatment of anxiety and nausea for patients in this population. Establishing a more clear understanding of the relationship between nausea and anxiety will lead to development of better, more need-specific treatment for patients experiencing all conditions and procedures, granting providers additional tools to increase quality of care.

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Nursing Commons
