"Enhancing Access to Cultural Health Assessment Instruments for Refugee" by Samantha Fundingsland

Document Type

Student Presentation

Presentation Date


Faculty Sponsor

Karen Breitkreuz


Statement of the problem: Boise, Idaho is one of 16 relocation centers in the United States for refugees from all over the world. The number of Boise refugees from 2001-2011 totaled 5,431 with more than 30 countries represented (Idaho Office for Refugees, 2013). Refugees are fleeing persecution on basis of race, religion, nationality, and social groups and generally cannot protect themselves from their own countries. The process of resettlement is stressful and can impact physical and mental health. Upon entering the United States refugees are required to undergo a medical examination, which initially introduces them to the healthcare system. Refugees will seek healthcare from providers for ongoing health maintenance issues such as prenatal care, immunizations, and/or medical problems that were undiagnosed prior to entering the United States (Vergara, Miller, Martin, & Cookson, 2003). Refugee women may have additional needs based on experiences that are qualitatively different from those of men, mostly related to them being at a greater risk of sexual assault and are more vulnerable to attacks (Deacon & Sullivan, 2009). Healthcare providers need to be aware and have the necessary expertise to address the limited levels of education that is a shared characteristic amongst refugees. (Peterman, Silka, Bermudez, Wilde, & Rogers, 2011). Healthcare providers in Idaho need to ensure a culturally sensitive approach when providing care to these individuals. A concise collection of assessment resources is currently unavailable. Providers have expressed the desire for increased information in a central location that contains related information in order to save resources and more effectively care for their populations (Flewelling, 2010). Description of innovative clinical project: The purpose of this innovative clinical project is to compile a collection of culturally sensitive assessment instruments that have been used and evaluated in evidenced based practices and adjusted to meet the needs of refugees in Idaho. The collected assessment tools will then be added to a website that is easy for healthcare providers to access. Meeting needs in the healthcare environment can facilitate healthier outcomes in this aspect of the resettlement process. Implications and significance: The assessment instruments that will be provided on this website will offer healthcare providers who serve refugees in Idaho with up to date information that can be incorporated into daily practice. This easily accessible information will also be beneficial to providers who are less familiar with caring for refugee populations. The information provided on this website will allow everyone to increase their knowledge, expertise, and confidence. The ease of access will increase the likelihood of use. Healthcare providers who approach and access information from refugees in a culturally sensitive manner will be able to tailor care that is specific to the unique needs of the people they serve.
